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New Day

kittypage's picture

So...I found this website today out of desperation. I'm sick of dealing with the manipulative BM, who has some real issues that we just got married (even though we have been together for 7 years) and is messing and manipulating her poor children all the time. I'm glad I found a place t vent, and I really had a moment today when after hearing what she tells my SS9 about me, I thought I really should disengage, than my hubby ran out to go get pizza, and my SS just cuddled up next to me and said "I Love You". I have been around in his life since he was 2 years old. I just told my Hubby that I was no longer going t have any contact with BM...I made sure she was off my social networking sites.

Oh, and this is the third time this summer he has come up to see us with no real shoes. He has just his soccer cleats today. Last time it was flip flops for a week of camping and two weeks in NY with the Grandparents. February it was no Jacket. Oh, and it's always the SS fault...HE forgot to pack them... And today when my Hubby asked her if he had shoes...she said no, you have a dollar store don't you? (btw we have bought three new pairs of shoes this year and sent them back with him)

According to paperwork we are supposed to have him every weekend. We get him everyother...and now with sports...?

Yeah...been married a


Conflicted's picture

I'm glad you found us! Let me ask why you and dh (dear husband) aren't enforcing the schedule? If the paperwork is signed by a judge and filed with the court then bm (bio mom) has no right to make up her own schedule. I'm happy for you that ss (stepson) loves you and that bm isn't turning him against you.... Not that she won't try mind you but for now you seem to be in a good place with ss.

stepoff's picture

You've found the right place to vent and rant. I found this site about 3 weeks ago and I love it! It's almost addictive. FOr so long I was festering inside with no outlet and then I found this place. It's awesome. And BTW - I've been married for 1 1/2 years. Started out rocky but things do get better, sometimes. I agree with Conflicted. The visitation schedule needs to be followed. What's the point of creating one if BM won't stick to it? And does Bm drop him off or do you or DH pick him up? I would check his bags as soon as I saw him and ask BM where the rest of his clothes are. If she keeps forgetting stuff, make a check list that she can run thru each time she leaves the house with him to drop him off. Sometimes you have to treat BM like a kid, too. It's sad.

kittypage's picture

If you try to tell her she is not being responsible, she blames the boy... I gave him a reusable grocery bag, with his name in it, and asked him to try and remember to bring it with him every time he comes up. I did it initially so we would get the clothes back that we send him home in every time. It lasted about a month.
And any time you try and tell her anything she threatens legal action. She has been manipulating my DH for as long as I can remember with that one...due to him being unemployed for almost a year about 5 years back and being unable to pay for full support. So back supprt is the big Legal Demon over our head...

kittypage's picture

Earlier this summer...the first shoe was shoes two sizes too small...*sigh*