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Can't Win

Kenna's picture

I am one day away from celebrating SD19 moving out and into her own place!!! It is all I can do to keep from doing cartwheels through the house all week!

Last night my boyfriend's loser brother comes over and tells us that he will need to stay here now that we have an extra room. I said NOPE we don't have an extra room. His reply was YES you do. My boyfriend giggled at his brother.

When the brother left, I said he is NOT staying here and I am not kidding. I gave my boyfriend a list as long as my arm with rational reasons why he couldn't stay.

My boyfriend just gives me a smug grin and nods...we have had so much difficulty learning to live together with our own kids I can't believe he would even consider throwing a 38 year old child into the mix UGHHH


thefunmommy's picture

Looks like it's time to quickly turn it into a very girly sewing/arts/crafts room. With lots of large furniture

Kenna's picture

Thank you!! I was starting to feel like the evil one. He has mooched off of every friend and family member he has. I was talking to a friend that he mooches off of often and her response was "I already told my husband if he moves in I move out" lol So it was nice to have support. I am afraid that no matter how well I make my argument that when it comes down to it my boyfriend will feel sorry for his baby brother and let him finger's are crossed that it doesn't have to come down to an ultimatum!