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Another Vent

Keepsmiling's picture

So ysd and her spouse come to the hospital to visit my dh. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I admit I was standoffish and borderline rude. She has not been around for a year and waltzes in like nothing has happened. No apology - nothing. Anyway, dh is almost groveling. At one point my dh says he is cold and ysd reaches over to cover him. No way was I letting that happen. I reached over to cover him myself.
After dh came home from the hospital and began to feel better I could tell something was bothering him. He stated he was embarrassed by my actions. I should be the bigger person and I am the adult. I lost my cool. And said why do I always have to be the better person. I am not doing this anymore. Almost 8 years is enough for me. She is not a child; she is an adult, married and soon to have a kid herself. I cannot give her an inch; if I do she will take a mile.
Anyway, later on in the conversation my dh says I told you handle her how you see fit. I was so angry. Really? You are giving me mixed messages..which is it? I realized that it has been this way from the beginning. He tells me one thing; but expects me to always turn the other cheek and walk on eggshells. This time I am not doing it.
She is the one who wrote the email saying she did not want to be part of the family. And stayed away from us. Maybe I am not ready for her to be part of my family.


oldone's picture

I don't blame you.

How about reminding him of this great saying:

"When someone shows you who they are believe them."

She didn't just show you who she is - she put it in writing.

snowdrop's picture

I probably would have done the same thing as you, at the very least I Would have given her nasty looks-- I Can't control my face haha. But at the same time I hate giving people like that anything on me. I try to behave positively so that I can always look like the bigger person... now she has some story to tell people and herself about how you wouldn't even let her cover her father! I don't know... you can't win. How is your DH doing? What was he hospitalized for?

Keepsmiling's picture

My dh had the upper right lobe of his lung removed. He is doing well as far as the surgery; but probably will have to have kimo treatments in the near future. Thanks for asking.
Snowdrop you are right it will give her a story to tell. I really don't care. Ysd has lied about me from the beginning. My dh has said to me many times that ysd f***** him over many times; but, she has F===== me over worse. Ysd actually wrote in the email
"I am who I am and I am not going to change".

Towanda's picture

Keepsmiling, stand your ground. It will save you alot of pain. They don't change. I hope your DH is recovering without complications. Focus on the positive and important things right now. Keep the toxic people out of you thoughts and out of your life!