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Help I am about to lose it!!!!! GRRRRRRR

kayjoy21's picture

Lets see where to start or even what to say first. My husband has had primary custody of both his kids since the divorce, he has always let the girls choose where they want to live. (Stupid maybe in some peoples eyes but he didn’t want them to hurt anymore if he could help it.) Both his girls started living with their mom which is 2 hours away from where we will which sucks but we dealt with it, going against court order already we agreed we would get them every 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend. Holidays we made up our own deal that way everyone was able to spend holiday time with the girls, which me and my husband thouhght was only fair. Well this past year one of his girls said daddy I want to come live with you guys, so we told the mom and DRAMA started the ex kept telling my husband it was all wrong he went and changed the papers without her knowing that the girls needed her mom more then they needed their dad. She kept telling us that she was going to take us to court so my husband couldn’t make the main decisions in the girls life which never happened. As my step daughter was here her grades went up, she kept telling us that this was a harder school then he last school was. She became active joined girls scouts having fun with friends and family me and her also became very close she was my cooking buddy, shopping girl the whole nine. This summer when we had both girls they told us both that they wanted to come live with us. The girls went to their mom for the summer brake. When I was in the hospital having a baby my husbands ex called and said You moved? I need your new address, I need to serve you with court papers, what a shock! But then we waited and wait nothing came till that one day our doorbell rang and my husband was getting served he got server on a Monday and court was that Wednesday (no time to find a lawyer) The papers were a restraining order against my husband that we couldn’t take the youngest one or my husband would go to jail, which also meant that she wasn’t going to see her baby brother till all the court dates were done. My husband was able to get a postponement on the court date so he could find a lawyer. The oldest one was still living with us when she came back from her moms after one month she had gained 20-25lbs and she also started causing problems in our home she also stared saying she wanted to be with her mom she didn’t like living with us anymore and that she was going to talk to the judge so she could live with her mom. My husband wasn’t happy but if she was so unhappy with living with us he wasn’t going to force her or either one of them he gave up his rights which he thought was best. Now visitation is being enforced by the court which is only one weekend out of the month , the ex sure doesn’t like that she wants us to have the girls all the time now! Her and her boyfriend broke up and now she has to do it all on her own she now keeps saying that the girls need their dad in there life way more which I agree with but we have to make sure to follow the court order or my husband can get in trouble. Now the one that lived with us has now tells her mom I am mean to her she has also told me she doesn’t like me, never has, and never will. Well of course that cause a problem when she is at our house now she also told her dad she feels like she has to come here and she doesn’t want to. My husband has told his daughters and his ex if they don’t want to come he is not going to force them. With all this her grades have gone down she has now become a liar and her mom doesn’t do anything until some one outside the family brings up how bad the girls have gotten then she wants to hand over the girls to my husband cause its TOO hard she has never had to do it on her own. What to do? Cause this is getting more stressful!


caregiver1127's picture

This is what happens when the BM hates her exhusband more than she loves her children - this is a mess and so sad - I wish you both luck and just keep loving those girls - hopefully they will come around.