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You can't make this stuff up....

justmakingthebest's picture

We found out a couple of weeks ago that SS14 was being seen by a therapist - Great, that kid needs help. We wanted to know why though- we figured this was BM trying to come up with things for court and using a therapist to get there.

Turns out he was referred by the cardiologist- WHO gave him his POTS diagnosis based on a history with EDS. HOWEVER as we have proven by 2 different specialist (one being genetics) SS does not have EDS. He was sent to the counselor to deal with depression since between POTS and EDS he would be limited in life. Yep... Ladies and Gentlemen... BM.

This kid isn't limited by anything. The cardiologist is going to have a review of all records and have another appointment to reasess his situation. Poor BM, it took 4 cardiologists to finally get a "diagnosis" for SS. It is such a shame that she will have to move on to a 5th one now. 

We freaking KNEW this was all a drive to get SS on disability when he got older and the CS stopped. Poor BM, we keep messing up her plans. 


On another note, SS replied to me for the 1st time since May. I asked him if he wanted the soda package on the cruise. I told him it was on sale and I needed and answer or he would be stuck with lemonade, tea and water since that is what is supplied for free. He said "I told dad already I am not going" - So after talking to DH I responded with "We have a court order stating that we get you for spring break. That is your spring break, so yes you are going. Would you like soda?" Of course nothing else, but it was kind of fun to write out to him. Dumb ass teenager thinking he gets to control things. Nope kid and we will slam your mom with as many contempt charges as we can. Hopefully her ass will wind up in jail for a day or 2. (Probably not, but fun to imagine)


lieutenant_dad's picture

Please OH PLEASE tell me this piece of gold went right to the GAL?! Actually both pieces - the one from BM about the therapist, and the one from SS saying he isn't going to uphold visitation.

That is absolutely abhorrent to send a kid to a counselor to help him work through that he'll have a shorter life! And I'd be freaked the f*ck out as DH wondering if BM is going to spike his grape juice one morning when SS is of "death age" to complete the con. I don't want to think that, but I am starting to seriously wonder...

Chmmy's picture

This kid isn't limited by anything

Um sorry yes he is...his mother. Poor kid. Seriously. 

justmakingthebest's picture

You are very correct. His mother is going to cripple him one way or another.

TrueNorth77's picture

JMTB, you should teach classes in patience, because I would have bowed out of this situation with SS a longgg time ago. Between him continually ignoring and saying he isn't going, and the court thing. It's exhausting! I probably would have fired off a text by now saying, "listen you little shit, enough with the games, I hope you don't come on this cruise"! And here's you all "SS do you want soda?". lol. At some point I would have just said, I can't, it's all you DH.

Seriously though, I envy your patience, because it is not my virtue. Being more patient and not letting little things bother me is something I'm going to attempt to work on for 2019. We haven't had skids yet this year so I'm killing it so far. *blum3* 

justmakingthebest's picture

LOL! I will not ever put in writting anything that can be used against me in court! Face to face- whenever that happens again "You little shit, I am so over your crap!" Will probably be the first words out of my mouth! 

thinkthrice's picture

Off the gov't (aka taxpayers) teat!  What a way to live!  I must be doing something wrong working my arse off for over 40 years now!   Lovely doctor shopping there, BM  (sounds EXACTLY like the Girhippo!)

nengooseus's picture

I wouldn't do anything more than required for the little creep at this point.  Actions have consequences...

advice.only2's picture

Im curious what is the age limit of forced visitation in the state that SS is in? I know here in CA it's 14, the child can go into court and speak with the judge as to why they don't want to visit with the other parent.

StepUltimate's picture

We got custody when SSalmost19 was 13, and the judge took him into her chamber for a good 20 minutes and took to heart what he had to say about BM. Judge issued temporary primary custody to DH, and had DH bring SS back 6 months later so she could check in and speak with SS again in private chamber; then gave DH permanent primary custody (BM got EOWE).

justmakingthebest's picture

Where he is, at 14 you have a "voice". However that voice is one of 12 factors that they take into consideration for custody. We aren't trying to flip custody. Even if we did win due to the medical abuse and PAS which is blatently obvious (and where we live it wouldn't stand for a minute. If I acted the way BM does, I would lose my kids so fast my head would spin!)- He would be a nightmare. He is brainwashed. I have to keep looking at it like he is in a cult. He can't help it. 

However, basic out of state visitation should be granted. There is no reason for it not to be. SS shrugging and saying I just don't wanna isn't enough reason to stop visitation.