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just.his.wife's Blog

I need a nap and my own oil well….

just.his.wife's picture

The last two weeks have been hectic. Both boys in marching band, so their schedule is
Skid2: sectional Wednesday, practice Tuesday and Thursday with Game Friday night
Skid4: sectional Monday, practice Tuesday and Thursday with Game Friday night.

Skid1 has started college and her classes run Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
BS: still in college his classes Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
BD still in college: Classes Monday Wednesday and Friday

Skid3 is still at ALC with us having to transport to and from Monday through Friday.

How the mighty have fallen..

just.his.wife's picture

Skid#3 has reality crashing all over her head. It is a very unwelcome reality that has harshly jarred her out of her fantasy land of her being the fairest of them all, with the adoring masses prostrating themselves before her, wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth in angst of having to wait their turn to eagerly fulfill the princesses every want and desire.

Skid3 is suspended.

just.his.wife's picture

((Please note: Skid3 is 16 years old. I have four skids. She is the third in birth order, thus skid3.))

Three days into the Fricking school year. DH is losing his shyte as I type. Apparently the school nurse went to admin to have them call me to bring precious home as she was 'soooo emotionally fragile' after the confrontation in the girls room. Administration upon hearing there was a physical conflict haul both girls to the office.

The girl who stuffed skid3 into a garbage can is suspended for three days. (Fighting)

Be Jealous!

just.his.wife's picture

School starts in two days where we live.

Thursday 5am I will be up SINGING to get the skiddos out of bed and send them on their way.

Then I am taking the day off to sit in my SILENT house, sip coffee and do NOTHING!!!!

Does anyone else save for skids college or am I just weird?

just.his.wife's picture

I was over the moon yesterday, my DD dropping her POS boyfriend put me on a natural high that I figured nothing could bring me down from. Then I got home. Skid1 (aka sdnow19) was in tears. She and DH are talking back and forth outside on the porch and she retired to her room still in tears, DH heads to our room obviously not to emotionally happy either.

Shit. There goes my good mood.

School starting soon! And DH reigned in the beauty queen!!

just.his.wife's picture

Dear God, please make these 10 days go fast!

I long for the return of regular bed times, the skids out of the house without me or their dad having to take them somewhere. I ache for those periods of time of silence in the house, where one can sit and have a cup of coffee without a teenager lodged in the crack of their ass wanting something.
