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Disagreements on Discipline... Like I think there should be some!!!

jt09's picture

So, my boyfriend (we're not married, but are living together and have an infant son together) and I have been together for 2 1/2 years. When we met, his daughter was just 4 yrs old, and she was cute and sweet and funny. Now, two years and a VERY ugly custody battle later, she is 6 yrs old, manipulative, lies often and is disrespectful. We only have her every other weekend, and it has gotten to the point when I DREAD those weekends! Now, I was a teacher, and I taught elementary school for 8 years. I know the lies kids tell, and I know how they work you over! I also know the results of all different kinds of parenting styles. Unfortunately, many divorced parents feel guilty for putting their child through the separation and therefore cater to their every whim to compensate. This is the situation I'm in. Both her mother and father spoil her rotten. If she pouts, she gets her way. If she's told no, she'll keep asking until she gets her way. If she doesn't want to eat she'll make 50 excuses, put on an award winning performance at the dinner table to convince you she doesn't feel well, and eventually, she gets her way. I wonder what disease it is that causes you to only be full or feel sick before getting to your vegetables??

She has her daddy wrapped around her finger. The worst part is, he always starts off firm and tells her the 'right' answer. However, she will wear him down until he caves 97% of the time. In the past couple of months, she has started 'teaming up with him'. For example, the other night, he closed the trash can lid while my hand was in it by accident and she said, "Good one, Dad". Or, even worse than that, at lunch today, the baby was crying in his high chair and when I went to pick him up, she said, "He doesn't like you anymore. He only likes me and Daddy." What does her father say????? NOTHING!!!! Sometimes, he even laughs!

He doesn't make her clean up her room or bathroom (literally, when I went in there today, YESTERDAY'S bath water was still in the tub). Sometimes, he will tell her to do it, but when she asks him to help, she'll stand there and play while he does it all! EVERY meal is an argument, because she never wants whatever is healthy, so she will lie to get out of eating it. You would think he would have stopped this by now, but it still happens!!! EVERY DAY!!!!!

The interesting part is that while he is 'concerned about my relationship w/her', what he doesn't see is that she NEVER acts this way when it is just she and I. When he works on weekends we have her, she is very well behaved and is all around a good kid with me. I do arts and crafts with her, take her to places she likes, etc. I buy her clothes and shoes, and I did ALL of the Christmas shopping and wrapping. And she's great... when HE isn't around!!!! He thinks I am very negative around her! UH, because I want her to act appropriately, be responsible and respectful?? It's not like she doesn't know how to act! She is fine with just me!

He says things like 'I don't want to spend the little time I have her fighting with her' or 'I want her to have fun and be happy' or my favorite, 'I want to be her friend'. I explained that she needs a father and boundaries. I also told him that discipline doesn't have to be ugly or mean. It is supposed to be teaching your child to meet appropriate behavior expectations. I told him, you don't have to yell at her, but pulling her aside and saying something like, 'I asked you to stop running in the house, and you are still running. You need to sit down on the sofa and calm down. When I see you are able to act more calmly, you can get up.' It's just not that hard!

I have talked to him about this at least 5 times, and he blames me everytime... because she's only 6. What he can't understand is that my problem isn't with her....


wicked_stepmother's picture

Seriously, you need to go to counseling. If that's not an option, you need to document, use a tape recorder if you have to and show him just how it really is. Make sure you're being completely objective. What scares me is the baby thing and the trash can lid incident. Those are clear warning signs of danger! If he refuses counseling, perhaps you should look into other options. Make sure you have job security, and make wiser choices in the future, learning from your past. His attitude really concerns me, good luck.

jt09's picture

Yes, it's what concerns me, too. The fact that he doesn't think it's 'that bad' is worrisome. People never seem to think their kids' behavior is 'that bad' until one day they end up on Maury and their kid is being hauled off to a bootcamp for teens! Don't they know that the bad behavior starts some place?? It's not like the kid is perfect and then one day wakes up a nightmare!

jt09's picture

Stepping, I thought the same thing! I tried that for two months in the fall. BF got MAD at me for not 'working on my relationship w/his daughter'. He said we need to raise the kids the same and make them both feel loved. I told him we also need to make them both have boundaries! He got annoyed with me. I have tried over and over again to step out of the whole situation and not be in the room, or not comment when the conversation/negotiation between the two is getting ridiculous, and as I said, he gets mad that I'm withdrawn. So, basically, I lose if I disagree, and I lose if I disengage! He wants me to be fun and happy all the time, too, and I'm just not that person that can overlook bad behavior as long as she is 'having fun'... He really believes he disciplines her enough, and thinks most of her behavior is age appropriate. I have warned him that it will not be at all cute when she is older. The most discipline he does (if you want to call it that) is to say her name followed by 'settle down'. I'm sure you can guess how well that works! It's exasperating. I try to be patient. It's hard to be the odd man out in your own home. Especially when you're the one who puts the most work into the family!

soverysad's picture

Have you tried talking to him about her behavior in terms of how her behavior may lead her to grow up to be like BM? Since the custody battle was contentious, I assume she is a real piece of work? How does he feel about BM? Is she manipulative, does she lie, is she rude, needy, dependent? This is what finally worked on my dh. He felt he was being "patient" with SD while letting her walk all over him in the name of fun UNTIL I stopped making it about how she treated me and made it about how she is treating him the same way her mother treated him. He was absolutely appalled at the idea of his sweet kid growing up to be just like the Wingnut and he started changing. It took a long time to get him to the point where he actually recognizes the behavior and handles it without me pushing, but he's come a long way. I think so many people (especially fathers)who just can't make the connection between Little Divas and Big Divas.... They think their little princesses will grow out of their snotty behavior and be a good wife to someone someday, when really they're being trained to be the same wife THEY used to have.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

jt09's picture

LOL @ Wingnut!!! She ABSOLUTELY fits that description! And yes, his little cherub is growing up to be just like her. BM is an expert at lying, manipulating and controlling, and HAVING to be the center of attention at all times and he even said that he's worried his daughter will be like her... Of course, he then said, 'But she has her most of the time, so what can I do?' UGH!!!!!

However, I LOVE the approach you took! I have not tried it from that angle. That makes total sense. I will DEFINITELY try to show him how she is manipulating and controlling him the way BM did. He HATES BM, so that may be just the right nerve to hit.

Thank you for your advice!

soverysad's picture

DH said that too - she is with Wingnut all the time so what difference does it make. The only answer to that is - maybe you can't totally change her, but you CAN teach her how to treat you and in the process you are letting her know that it is okay to tell people how you're willing to be treated. I asked dh once if even though sd is rude and disrespectful, did he want her growing up thinking you are a doormat and that you're okay with being a doormat? He's right, she probably will grow up like her mother. I know SD5 will. She is a mini-version of her mother BUT in our home, she knows that she will not be the center of attention (she doesn't like it, but she's adapting), she will not control our lives, and she will behave in a way we find appropriate. And we did this even when we only had her one overnight a week. She is a totally different child in our care than she is with her mother. That's okay at least dh can say he tried. Ask your dh if he wants to look back when his daughter is just like bm and think "i didn't even try". Does he really just want to give up on his kid and let her think he has no expectations?

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!