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jstorie's picture

So my husband picks me up from work yesterday and he has already picked up our bsons. My two year old says he is missing his sissy. My four year old says Its because mommy didn't like her. i heard you yell at her all the time. do u know what my dh said? NOTHING!

she called dhs on me, she tried to hit me and yell at me all the time she went to the mental hospital how many times and said " I'm going to do great here so I can get out but I don't care to change anything at home" i busted my butt and i miss her and feel like a crappy SM for asking my husband to send her away but i had no choice. i was miserable. she would skipp school and when asked y she said becuase i don't like it.

6 years of this and my husband can't say anything to our child? i said no bub i love your sissy and yes we fought too much thats why things had to be different. where the hell was my husband? and why is this an everyday thing? can i ignore my son? is that whats right? help me out here?


rodgersmommyof 4's picture

Everyone's situation is different. Us being biological moms, step moms, & wives. We all can relate on some level,but no one know everything you are dealing with. It breaks my heart when my bkids say they miss my ss when it's not our time to have him. I can't imagine how you felt. My thoughts you can only handle so much. Sometimes lines get crossed and you had to do what you had to do for you and your family. DH should be supportive and helping explain to the kids and not leaving it up to you. They are young. So, you shouldn't have to explain much. Keep it simple I would say. You did the best you could. We get blindsided sometimes by what our little ones say. Hang in there.