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DH forces "hallmark moments" btwn me and Skid <biggesteyerollevery>

jsr's picture

On the outside me and the skid get along just fine. I keep my mouth shut and silently seethe (well...until i found you guys! LOL)
Still yet, dh feels the need to force ss12 into doing things he's clearly uncomfortable with, doesn't really want to do, or just didn't care enough to think of on his own...which is really ok with me! I don't need or WANT his nastly little, BM-esque hands on me.
For example:
#1: Dh and I were fighting. I said something about "not being good enough to have his child" (see post about vasectomy), he got aggrivated...yadda yadda yadda (yes, he was being insensitive, but he is just a man.) I went to the porch to just have myself a good "feeling sorry for myself" cry and he tells the skid to come outside to give me a hug. wtf?!?!? i actually felt bad for the skid! his dad sent him into the lions den---a crying SM?!?! who wants to go there? GEESH!
#2: SS was at BM on his actual birthday this year. Of course dh called (as he should have) but then expected me to call too (he was out of town, so we couldn't call "together". I passed the buck saying he didn't really care to hear from his SM on his bday, and that there was no way BM would accept a call from me knowing that dh wasn't with me. So what's he do??? He texts BM and tells her to have ss call me and plays it off to me like he DIDNT put Ss up to it. "he loves you...he misses you...YOU are important to him" blah blah blah

*IF* these things were not orchestrated by dh, I might have a different feeling. But i could go back and give you a laundry list of the times he's done this. so now, on the outside chance there is something genuine...I assume its choreographed.



DaizyDuke's picture

Yeah, DH guilted me into sending SS13 a Happy Birthday text on his birthday. I put it off until like 4 pm... couldn'! Anyway, I finally sent off "Happy Birthday!!" to him. This is what I got from SS in response "Who dis?"

WTF... why do I bother?