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what is an appropriate relationship for DH to have with his (ever increasing number) of FORMER step-children....?

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Here's the facts:

DH marries wife #1 when he's 18. When we met, he told me the relationship lasted less than a year, and that she had a son from a previous relationship. This marriage ended in 1994 (roughly 18 years ago). And I have literally never heard anything more about that relationship EVER. It was like it was short, sweet, over and done, so long ago it didn't really have much effect in the present.

day 2 of 9 with the skid...shoot me now

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Since the dh has been home, its been all about him and the golden child and hasn't even attempted to do something for/with just me.
Since the little prince's bday was last week, disney dad had to go buy him a new DS3D. This has, of course, rendered ss totally useless and non-communicative.
He even took it in the bathroom while he was taking a crap. :sick:

I have been doing my best to stay disengaged. Asking dh to "tell ss to load the dishwasher"
"tell ss its time for bed" "tell ss he needs to shower"

DH forces "hallmark moments" btwn me and Skid <biggesteyerollevery>

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On the outside me and the skid get along just fine. I keep my mouth shut and silently seethe (well...until i found you guys! LOL)
Still yet, dh feels the need to force ss12 into doing things he's clearly uncomfortable with, doesn't really want to do, or just didn't care enough to think of on his own...which is really ok with me! I don't need or WANT his nastly little, BM-esque hands on me.
For example:

No bio kids bc dh had a vasectomy.

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I know 90% of my bitterness toward dh and ss have to do with the fact that I have no bio kids and dh had a vasectomy while married to bm. He had it reversed so we could try but it's been totally unsuccessful.
Now I dance somewhere between bitter over never being able to have my own child but bearing the responsibility of raising ss and NEVER WANTING To have children bc I can't stand ss!!
Can ANYONE relate????

Ss12 birthday- STFU edition

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Typing from my phone-bear with me on fat fingered spelling mistakes an autocorrects Smile
I posted the other day about the barf-tastic feeling I get when dh talk about ss birth. Well guess what today is??? The glorious, joyous day of birth for the little prince. My dh has been out of town for two weeks, picked up ss on his way home from the airport ( where he was swimming w bm. So before ever coming home to his wife dh got an eye full of hi ex in a bikini.)

But you ARE a mom! you are kidding me, right?

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I have no children of my own but raise SS12 practically full time.
I hate,, DESPISE... when I say something about not having kids, or not wanting to participate in "Mother's day" festivities, or how i'd parent children if i had them or whatever someone has to say "but you ARE a mom!"