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family counseling - does it work?

Jlynn86's picture

I'm wondering if anyone has tried counseling and had it be successful? My SD has my husband wrapped around her little finger and he doesn't see it. She's turned into a spoiled little brat!!!! If she doesn't like what you tell her she whines, argues and/or throws a fit. My husband will yell and tell her to stop or she'll have to go to her room or go to bed early but then never follows through. When I try to talk to him about it he is very defensive of her and feels like I'm telling him how to parent and we end up fighting. Has anyone experienced this and gone to counseling with success? I love my husband soooo much but I can't handle his daughter and I really think he is the problem because he lets it happen. I've been considering counseling for us but we don't have a lot of extra money to do something like that. I think its worth it if it works but don't want to spend money we don't have if it doesn't make a difference. Advice??


Kes's picture

Actually, the poster above suggested your DH watch "Supernanny" - I think this is a very good suggestion because he will see how you only get results if you follow through with everything you say. I have tried to show my DH over the years that issuing empty threats is worse than a waste of time, it just shows the SKIDs that they get away with anything.

I used to be a relationship counsellor and I agree that you only get out of counselling what you put in. Everyone has to be 100% for it to work. I was in a situation a little while ago where the possibility of family counselling came up, but my SDs wouldn't have participated wholeheartedly so it would have been pointless. They would have used it as a way to try to make me look like the bad guy.