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I feel like I'm putting more into the relationship's than others.

Jac's picture

When my boyfriend moved in with me, his adult son came with him. Soon after, the adult son's girlfriend moved in also. Not too much longer after that we told them they really needed to get out on their own. Especially since they were expecting a child of their own now. Not to mention that his adult son had stolen from us/me and there was a lack of trust. At this time my boyfriend and I made an agreement that no adult child from either side would move back in. We talked that these people (ALL THE ADULT CHILDREN) needed to be responsible for themselves.

I do have to say my adult Daughter has briefly moved in during some of her boyfriends abusive episodes, but she didn't stay long. Especially when my boyfriend would mention that it was time she left. It was hard to tell her and the little ones to leave but it was what I agreed to.

We did accept his adult daughter in our home at one point also. My boyfriend was not happy about this but I thought we should help. Her BM would not allow her to move in with her when she was released from jail. My Boyfriend and I were away when this happened and allowed her to stay at the house until we got home. Many things were missing....she (BD) went back to jail.

Again, we made an agreement that we would not have any of the adult children move in for any reason at this point. I agreed. All three of my children were self sufficient. This was 5 years ago.

In April 2011 my boyfriend tells me that his 15 year old son's BM is getting a divorce and thinks that his BS would be better off to spend the summer at our house due to all the arguments in hers. (later I found out that this was all her idea. It seems she acquired a new boyfriend while married and wanted time with him). Well, instead of it being just the summer, the BS moved in right away and is still here. I was asked to take him to and from school because it is kind of on the way to my work.

Being a mother that has been on the other end of the stick, where my children lived with me and my ex-husband I took this on as a kind of pay back. I WAS OK with it.

When my boyfriend and I started dating, 12 years ago, we told each other we would put no expectations on the other. I know I told him that I would take his BS to school and back but I'm getting tiered of it. I have no privacy, I can't ride my bike to work, I can't stop anywhere after work alone, if I feel sick or want to take a vacation day I still have to get up to take him to school (or else he's there with me).

My boyfriend is still paying child support for his BS and his BM is not paying anything or at the least reimbursing. This shouldn't be a concern of mine except that I spend my gas to take him to and from school everyday + all my time invested. I never get reimbursed or rewarded or thanked... I saw the other day where his BM was talking about her retirement fund and savings account. It's really bothering me. And, I don't think it would be except that I feel I have had responsibilities put on me that really belong to others and these others are reaping benefits from my generosity.

Before the kid came to live with us my boyfriend made a point of picking his BS up every other weekend and made a presence in his life. His BM has only taken him a few times since he's moved in. I have not had any adult time. Now, I can understand my boyfriend not being bothered by this because he really loves this kid. And I guess that's why I do what I do, because I in return, love my Boyfriend.



I'm starting to feel the resentment come in and I don't want to be this way. I know the kid can feel it. Not a word is said for the 20 min to and from school everyday. It's very uncomfortable! I really hate where my life is right now.

I don't know how to start the conversation of how I feel!


Jsmom's picture

Just have the conversation and stop doing it until you feel he understands and at the very least thanks you and pays for your gas. You only have to do what you want since he is not your child...

DaizyDuke's picture

Why in the world has your BF been paying BM child support for almost a year now when you guys have the kid?? This makes no sense to me when I hear of men doing this?