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SD17 is pregnant! :(

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*Read my other post/blog before reading this*

This morning, SD17 woke up in a horrible mood. She whined about everything from what she was going to eat, to BS3 sitting "too close to her". She was moody the entire morning and I ignored her for the most part. Later,I was sitting on the couch reading, it was the boy's nap time and everything was quiet for the most part. SD13 was at dance class and SD5 was at a play date and SD14 was laying out on the deck doing summer reading. It was just SD17 and I in the house, SD17 had slowly gone from moody to very teary and upset. She was keeping to herself for the most part and had even said "I am sorry" for her behavior earlier in the morning. She had been sitting on her bedroom during her summer reading when I saw her dash into the bathroom and get very sick. Even though I struggle with her, I became very concerned as she sounded very sick. I went into the bathroom and she was white as a ghost, she started crying when I came in. I asked her what was wrong, how was she feeling, did she eat anything funny? She just kept shaking her head saying she couldn't tell me. She has had a pregnancy scare in the past,and I knew instantly that's what she couldn't tell me! I finally got it out of her that she hasn't gotten her period in almost 3 months, she's on BC and I have been buying her tampons every month that she had supposly been using! I finally got her to calm down and she told me has been feeling sick, achey, etc for almost 3 months since she had sex with her 17 year old boyfriend! She thought she was late due to a UTI and that's why she didn't say anything. I had a pregnancy test in my bathroom that I made her take and came back positive!! She was sobbing and hugging me, she kept saying how sorry she was and she just wants to be close with me and wants my help. I was shaking, this girl acts so much older than her 17 years but at this moment she was just a scared little girl. I then called my Dr. And made an appointment for her to confirm it even though she took the home test, she has all the signs though. He had an opening as it's a slow day, he's a small town dkc and is open almost every weekend. It was confirmed she is indeed 12 weeks along ! She immediately began talking, saying she's going to keep the baby even if the boyfriend does not support her. She does have a job and works every single weekend, out of all the kids she gives us the least trouble, even though she has had her issues. Our area has lots of resources for young mothers and she said she plans to look in to all of them. She just kept saying how she wants me to be her mom and she's so sorry, she said she would never depend on me to raise the baby but would I help her a little? I was so shaken up and when we called DH he got all choked up. He says he'll support whatever choice she makes as long as she finishes school(she's failing, but there is a program for teen mothers who are failing school and having issues) and keeps a job to bring in some sort of money. The boyfriend was next and I wanted to jump on the phone and yell at him, he kept saying "No way way" and not taking it seriously. SD17 quietly said he was a major pothead and "Not the type of person to be around a baby". He does come from a well off family and we could hear the mother in the backgroung screaming that he is going to support that baby. SD22 and SS23 who are both married (SS23 has young children himself) both offered their support. I am just so worried and scared for her. She has been clinging to be the entire night and we have talking about what this means for her future etc. She has watched me with her two younger brothers and knows how hard babies are. I think this has been a real wake up call for her but I am still so worried. DH is upset but he and I are both determined to stand behind SD. We may have had a rocky relationship but SD17 is a sweet girl, I needed my mother so much when I was pregnant and can't imagine how she might be feeling having lost her mother not that long ago. I wanna do whatever I can to help her and this baby, I am just still in shock Sad