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Why does it matter who bought it?

Irene H.'s picture

We celebrated SD16's birthday on Wednesday. It was nice, but she did one weird thing, which she does every birthday and Christmas.

As she opens each gift, she asks who it is from, me or DH?

The first time she caught me so off guard I just answered her question as she asked it with each gift. But it bothered me, so I was prepared in case she did it again, which she did.

At each subsequent gift-giving event, we have answered that the gifts were from both of us.

But Wednesday, her dad finally laid it out for her.

He said our money is shared, so if she's asking who paid for it, the answer is both of us. But that he has no idea what to get a 16 year old girl, so I was the only reason she got anything at all. He said, "Think about it. Do you think I could pick out those boots? That makeup? As far as I could tell, you put it on with a Sharpie." He told her I picked what she got, either picked it up or ordered it, and wrapped it all. 
He didn't ask her why she keeps asking the question. But he did (somewhat nicely) make a significant point. 
I was proud of him. With Christmas just around the corner, let's see if she took the hint.


caninelover's picture

That he addressed it head on!

hereiam's picture

As far as I could tell, you put it on with a Sharpie.

Oh my God, I love this! Please get her some Sharpies for Christmas!

Good for your husband for bringing it to her attention that she would probably get a nice hammer, if it weren't for you.

SeeYouNever's picture

My sd14 does the same thing! It's as if she has to know who the gift is from so she knows how to react or something. It doesn't bother my dat usually just says things are from both of us which is true. 

CajunMom's picture

DH's kids quickly figured out who bought the gifts once I totally disengaged. He can't even figure out what to buy the grandkids...I give him those ideas, too. They get nothing.


tog redux's picture

Excellent! Too bad he didn't end it with, "If you don't want your gifts now that you know Irene picked them out, I'd be happy to return them and keep the cash."

AgedOut's picture

she's looking for another reason to get her nose out of joint. say they're from Santa next time. 

Elea's picture

DH buys SD's gifts. Bless his heart, he tries, but he is a terrible gift giver. It is fun to watch them scrunch up their noses. When I was a child I was taught to be appreciative even if I didn't love everything that I got. Not these SD's, they make their displeasure known. My kids get way better gifts. SD's don't know the difference since we don't open gifts together. They are with BM when my bios open theirs.