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SS is driving me crazy

Invisible Woman's picture

I’m losing my mind dealing with SS (almost 12) all day this summer. Being in the same house as him is making me have such a short fuse. I’m snapping and yelling at my kids for no reason because I’ve had it dealing with SS.

My parents have been trying to help get him out of the house to give me a break but nothing ever works out. My mom got the summer camp program at her church to take SS, even though the camp was already filled and he wasn’t a member of the church It was a big favor for her because of everything she’s done there. And SS was there for a day and a few hours. The second day they called me in the morning and said him being there wasn’t a good fit and that I needed to come pick him up.

This kid doesn’t care about anything. He does whatever he wants, whenever he wants to. He ignores people, refuses to listen, refuses to do anything he’s told. People assume he must be autistic or retarded, but he’s been tested for all of that. He probably will be diagnosed with Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I wonder if he’s just a sociopath or something. He doesn’t care about anyone or anything. He doesn’t like being around people. He has no empathy or feelings. All he has is a blank look on his face like nothing registers at all with him and his eyes are so creepy. If a movie need a kid to play a weird sociopath kid, SS has the perfect look for that. He creeps everyone out.

I hate him so much and I want him gone. I can’t deal with him anymore. But there’s no end in sight. I’ve been having to take time off work so I can watch him since there’s no one else we can leave him with. I’ve told DH he needs to start looking for another job where he can be home more, maybe where he can work from home, but his current job is too good of an opportunity. His salary would be cut in half if he worked less hours or from home. DH doesn’t like being around his son any more than I do. I don’t think he wants to be home with him. He’s so angry and frustrated with his son’s behavior and how he’s turned out and that his oldest boy is this weird kid that no one can tolerate to be around.

What does it say when his own father can't even stand to be around him?


sterlingsilver's picture

Where is the bm? If I were in your shoes I'd send him far away to school, preferrably a group home school that works especially with kids like him. It might cost quite a bit but it's worth it if you don't have to take time off work. I felt that way around my ss who is now 15 but was 12 when I met him. I discribed him like he was a ferral child b/c he had no skills, tho he isn't evil, but his eyes had a very blank look. I think it was the pain of having lived with his psycho mom for so long b/c now he's totally fine and his eyes shine and he's happy, at least in comparison to then.

Yup, I'd be searching the net for a school before this fall and beginning of school.

Best to you

Invisible Woman's picture

Before we spent that kind of money sending him to a psychiatric facility for kids or some school for the mentally ill we’d buy a one-way ticket for him to join BM in her native country. I’m to the point of wanting to put him on a plane and send him over there. I don't want to keep feeling like this and how angry he makes me.

Invisible Woman's picture

BM returned to her native country. Her visa expired so she had to leave the US to avoid being deported. Because of her legal problems she’s not able to get back in. Until her situation is more stable she doesn’t want SS to visit (she’s living with her parent in a small apartment). Unless DH agrees to SS raised in BM’s home country, he’s stuck with us until he’s 18.

hereiam's picture


stepmisery's picture

Just send him. Send support money, just to get the kid out of your hair.

He misses his mother. He lost hockey, which he was very good at, his present life and his bright future in the sport. Of course he's depressed. Did his father EVER want him or treat him like it?

Just send the kid over there, provide financial support and be done with him.