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Waiting to hear about the apartment...

ihateholidays's picture

Waiting to hear - I turned in my credit check application, and I KNOW I have awesome credit, so that should go ok. I don't have the best income, but if they have a problem, I'm going to offer to pay 6 months rent up front, since I have that in savings. I want to start donating everything and getting rid of everything! I am so nervous and impatient. 

SS has no boundaries, and I've talked to him about going into the girls room at night, but he doesn't care. My BD yells at him all the time to get out of their room, but he is a foot taller than she is and no longer afraid of her. He used to be afraid of her, which was great! When I met my boyfriend, SS was smaller, but out of control, and grabbed girls (including his sisters) butts and chests all the time. The parents denied that he did this and told the SDs that "he would never do that". He tried it with my BD and she punched him in the face - cut his eye open. She did not get in trouble, and he did. So he stopped bugging BD!

He is way bigger than SD also, which worries me. Neither parent thinks he will do anything to his sister, but this is a kid who has been suspended for threatening to kill someone at school and bringing a weapon (knife) to school twice already. If you look at the florida school shooter profile, that's SS. No friends, no social skills, plays violent first person shooter games for 18-20 hours at a stretch. I am so glad to be leaving. I feel so bad for youngest SD, but I can only protect my BD. 

I can't WAIT to be out of here. My boyfriend went to his woman friend's son's track meet again yesterday. Hasn't spoken to me in days. Why is he still here? 

Yes, like some of you said, he depends on me for 1/2 the rent. He wants to live in a big suburban house that he can't afford on his own. He will have to move back to an apartment also, and he will be resentful.


ndc's picture

ihateholidays - just a logistical question, because I know some people who've gotten stuck by this.

Are you both on the lease for the house?  If so, is there any requirement that you give notice of non-renewal by a particular date?  You said your BF doesn't know you're planning to leave, so presumably he thinks the lease will be ongoing.  I know my last lease required 60 days notice of non-renewal or it would renew.  I've had others that required 30 days.  Of course, many have no such requirement, but usually by this point the landlord would have contacted you to ask if you were renewing.  If you did sign the lease, just make sure you know what it says and that you can walk away without any lease/landlord issues.

Best of luck to you - I hope you're free of this man and his horrid son very soon.

jesse321's picture

Me n hubby just got engaged too...but I know deep down this isn't going to work.  Keep us updated please!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I''m glad you're keeping your daughter safe. Things like that aren't worth risking... And if the parents refuse to see it and correct that kind of behavior it's only going to escalate. Congrats on moving foreword!!!