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idiots among us

icouldjustscream's picture

I could fucking jump off a building right now. I swear in all my years of living I have never had single situation make me so fucking angry. I feel like I am losing my mind. So angry, I can feel my chest beating, my body shaking and I feel so helpless. I have not never hated anyone more than I hate them. NEVER. I wonder sometimes what I have done to deserve this. The simple sight of them sends me over the edge. The annoying sounds of them even speaking makes me want to vomit. They are selfish, rude, ungrateful, disrespectful, unintelligent, spiteful, sneaky, deceitful, impatient, annoying and downright bad kids I have ever met. They only get worse, because he lets them do it. I hate having them around my daughter because they are such bad examples. Not to mention the fact that her level of intelligence far exceeds them and she is only 2. I have never seen people that dumb, they won't even flush the fucking toilet after they take a shit. I would have to say of all the things they do that drives me insane, it would have to be the lying the makes me want to jump the most. I personally feel as though when someone lies to you it is because they feel they are smarter than the person they are telling the lie to. This makes me boil! I know from the looks of my writing in this rant you may think I am one of these dumb children I am speaking of. At this point I am so fucking pissed I can't even see straight....I know someone knows what I mean. The fucking kids just lie, constantly. About the dumbest things, stuff they don't even need to lie about!!! DH never says anything to them! EVER! no, not even once! The things that honestly concerns me the most is the fact that my 2 year old daughter loves playing with them, we never have any issues out of her with other kids. As soon as they get here, all we hear are all these bad things she has done, the house is destroyed....she gets blamed. She is crying, yet none of these fucking idiots know why. I am so fucking sick of being lied to.

enough. i can't even see right now!!


jiiim's picture

Hiya im the same my one has two grown up lads 23 24 just play the playstatin all day then do all the idiot things round the house then i get on at them then im made to feel im a moaning bas**** im fed up of being made to feel that way i hate them and they hate me and im expected to buy a house for these cu*** who'l dance on your grave, you sound really angry ive been doing this for ten years and we have spent the whold time argueing over dick heads with no respect i have had enough now it will never change. goodluck

oncechoosetosmile's picture

How old are those lying monkeys?Keep some of your nuclear anger hot to kick your DH's butt hard to be stricter to them .I can't stand lying, unless they are very young children, there need to be consequences or it will get worse.
And need some time off.Get your daughter (or even a babysitter) and hit the mall or get a pedicure or something, you deserve!!

Anon2009's picture

How old are these kids, and why aren't their mother and father doing anything about these issues?