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Keeps getting better (sarcasm)

iamlosingit's picture

So... tomorrow is visitation. Again. 

DH was going to take the bus to work, SIL was going to pick up SS from the bus and meet me at the house...DH was going to show up slightly after from bus....DH uses my car to bring SS home.  

I've already had to refill my tank yesterday due to the extra driving for visitation.  

SIL just informed us that she (and entire household) are now "getting over" the flu.


SS catches EVERY SICKNESS known to man.  And spreads it to us within days.

Given that we do NOT have SS this weekend, I'll be damned if we are all getting sick.

So now DH is getting up with me at 4 a.m. tomorrow and bringing me to work and dropping me off.  He's then going to drive himself to work.  I had to call my dad who sometimes works in the same city to pick me up from work while DH leaves work to pick up SS.  I'm going home, DH is bringing SS to his grandma's to save an unnecessary trip home for a meager 4 hour visitation day.  DH is then going to drop off SS afterwards and come home.

Oh wait...SIL (upon being released from driving duties) has asked DH to "bring her home made soup from grandma's".. so AFTER DH drops off SS he is bringing her soup, then coming home.

He says he will be giving me gas money, not for the times he's used my car so far, but because he's bringing his sister fkin soup.

I'lI believe it when I see it.  

Watch us get sick anyway lmfao


Watch DH not get his vehicle back when they claimed....



ITB2012's picture

Been there, done that with both things. And disengaging is all well and fine but sometimes just seeing the crazy is too much and sometimes the crazy or contagious disease hits too close to home. 

One time DH told me what he and BM were doing for running kids around. And trying to be nice rather than just saying “hm” I asked why they didn’t do it a certain way (which was much more efficient) but I figured they had their reasons for their way. Nope. They did  not and then DH got pissed for me saying that obviously more efficient (I didn’t have to use that word) way. 

And BM has dropped off the skids with highly contagious things, nasty things, and even told them how to handle it at this house in a even more contagious way (like uncovering and letting an oozing boil “air out” at our house) yet she will keep one or both of them home from school with a fever of 99 (really, really).

iamlosingit's picture

my gas sensor is busted (got to love digital) so I have to fill it anytime it reads half a tank.  When I go to fill it when it reads half, I could put as little as 3 gallons and as much as 9 gallons of gas in it.  It was reading at half tank when I left for work that morning, had to fill it or I would risk running out.  DH didn't tell me if was at half when he came home on Monday, I had just filled up on Thursday so I didn't know how much driving he did.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Does your triptometer work? If so, get a little notebook and write down the mileage each time you fill up. Soon you'll have an accurate mpg estimate and will know when you need fuel. Get used to only putting enough gas in for your needs. Let you H put gas in the car, or deal with sitting on the side of the road.