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homework update-wow

iamlosingit's picture

Dh emailed the paper to BM. I don't know if he emailed it to the teacher now, not sure if he had the email address. SIL finally calls after 8p.m. and agrees to print the paper when home and drop it off in the mailbox. Dh instructs ss to look in the mailbox before school. Apparently a big lecture was given on the way home regarding responsibility.

Ffwd to this afternoon...all heck broke loose....SIL dropped off the paper in OUR mailbox...not BM house. 

Dh was already at work when BM called him. No idea whats going on. Dh blames himself. I'm sure BM blames him too. When did parents stop holding kids accountable? Now dh is all over fb posting ss paper and gushing about what a great job ss did (you mean that YOU did?)

Makes me sick. It's pathetic. Bm could have emailed the teacher, but she would prefer to hold this over dh if course not ss fault...its always the "other parent."


hereiam's picture

That is hysterical!

He's posting a paper that HE wrote, on FB, as if SS wrote it? Weird.

iamlosingit's picture

Oh c'mon, you know the parent has to get the "atta-boy" reactions from his family! *ROFL* "good job ss! great paper!" etc to give himself the "dad of the year" pat on the back he feels he deserves since ss wasn't able to turn his paper in....I mean SOMEBODY has to say "good job' or it didn't happen...right? Dash 1

DaizyDuke's picture

I triple dog dare you to comment on DH assinine brag post something to the effect of " Great job DH!  You did a fantastic job of "helping" SS with his paper. (eye roll emoji)