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OT-any book recommendations on dealing with crazy MILs?

herewegoagain's picture

Just wondering. Yes, we are still with the whole "does the witch have cancer or not" thing. The latest is that she went to the US, as she had previously stated she would do and she is now back. Just as I imagined, although she claimed she was going to "get a second opinion or tests done, etc..." because her wonderful daughter was going to set everything up, well, no, she went and never visited a doctor. Of course, that is what I thought would happen as she always goes to visit her daughter for mother's day, which she conveniently scheduled this last trip during that same, here we are and we know nothing. My poor husband received a call from his brother that his mother was talking trash about him to his sister (the SIL from hell) and his sister said that she stated that she was going to jump down his throat when she ran into him if he dared show up for the funeral or a hospital stay...hmmm...sigh. Needless to say, my poor DH is stuck because he really doesn't know if this crazy mother really does have cancer or not. When he last called her a week ago, she said "no I didn't go anywhere, they said maybe I could get a liver transplant and you have to die of something..." When my DH asks her what is going on, she says nothing like "it's no big deal she has cancer, but yet she can go cry to everyone about her cancer so that they call him and insult him for not caring." I think that she is doing this to once again manipulate him into visiting her. Sad, yes, very sad and sick. Sorry, but when you are dying or are ill like this, you do not play games with your kids. That is just cruel. I don't care how much you get along or don't. If her intent was to keep him out of the loop, then she should not have even told him about it...but to call him and tell him she has cancer and then not give him any information, is just cruel.

Anyway, my DH has stated that although he really does NOT want to go visit her and although he believes she is keeping him out of the loop in order to once again control him and manipulate him into visiting her, he wants to go visit so that he can have some peace of mind. He wants ME to go with him for emotional support, because he is afraid that she will either start some crap and he won't be able to control himself or whatever...sigh...I am so stressed I cannot even freaking think. We are supposed to go visit that witch this weekend.

So, has anyone dealt with a similar situation with a parent? How did you handle it? Do you have any recommendations on books, etc. I can read to prepare myself for dealing with this evil woman again, yet be supportive of MY husband?

I really appreciate your advice.


LizzieA's picture

Prepare for war. Like a soldier going into enemy territory.

Be vigilant, in top form mentally and emotionally, decide in advance how long you will stay and what you will talk about. Be a broken record with your points and don't get off into tangents. Be ready to leave the moment things go south. Prepare a code word to say "let's go now!"

Oh, and read "Emotional Blackmail" excellent book.

herewegoagain's picture

Thank you so much! I had not thought about preparing what things we would talk about. I think that is a great idea. Yes, DH and I have had way too many boundary issues with idiot, so this is a great way for both DH and I to be on the same page ahead of time. Thanks for that.

As far as the code word, that's DH actually said that last night too! Joking with him I said to him, "that's a great idea about LET's GET THE FU#$%#$%k out of here?" lol He just cracked up. Smile

Thanks for the book recommendation...going to find it now.

herewegoagain's picture

Thank you...I really like that. It goes with the boundaries that I read and discussed with DH. The funny thing is that in our list of boundaries, the things we feel should be discussed, ie. important medical issues, death of family members, etc. are the things that the witch will NOT discuss with DH...she would much rather discuss the things that are OUR issues, thus part of OUR if we homeschool or not, what DH does or doesn't do around the house, how we spend OUR money...those issues she likes to these ideas are great. I guess if she feels that the issues that we feel SHOULD be important and allowed to be discussed in families, ie. major illness of family members, deaths, etc. she won't discuss with us, then it is really up to us to say then "well, there's nothing to talk about here...nice seeing you." Right?