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Kids grow up and the PAS might bite your butt! DH and his mom...

herewegoagain's picture

My DH's parents divorced before he was one...his mother remarried quickly after and took all 3kids out of state. For over 30yrs my DH hated his bio-dad. All he ever heard from his mother was "your dad was an ahole and never bothered to look for you...he never cared about you...". One day I was looking through his personal papers (he knew) as we were going on a cruise and needed his birth certificate. I found a school paper from when he was about 8-9 with his bio-dad's signature as "legal guardian...". I asked DH about it and he had never really seen the paper (PS his mother sent him all these papers after we got together along w/the 20 or so pics of him she had so I could make him a scrapbook for his bday at my request). Anyway, I told him "wait! Either your dad DID come looking for you OR your mom/sdad falsified his signature because your dad was your legal guardian and they took you out of state! Heck, look at the PAS your ex-wife has done...maybe there is more to this story?". For another 6mos I told him to find his dad and he would say "No! I don't need him! If I see him I'll kick his...". I told him I didn't care what he said or did to him, but I wanted him to get it off his chest...otherwise he would continue the guilty parenting w/his daughter and allowing the poor helpless BM to run his life...if he didn't agree, I was out! Well, he finally called his dad and went to meet him...his reaction? He cried! He spent the weekend w/his dad and realized his dad was NOT what his mother made him out to be! That was 9yrs ago...

Today? He did call his mother for mother's day but no card or gift or even a visit. Fathers day on the other hand I heard him crying while telling our neighbor about his his mother lied for so he misses his dad and would do anything to turn the clock back...How he is just like his dad and his side of the family where he grew up w/mom and her side of the family and yet always felt he didn't belong. He did call his stepfather early in the morning and planned to visit him but they had gone out. He does not resent his stepdad and is grateful he treated him as his child and took care of far as his mother? He "loves" her as his mother but has no tolerance for her bs or manipulative being a victim ways...

I wanted to share so that some of you had hope...he now has let go of his crazy daughter and realizes that one day either she will realize the lies her mother told her or be as crazy and greedy as her and not come to look for him. He has a clean conscious now and is at peace w/either decision she takes.


JustAnotherSM's picture

This story gives so much hope to NCP's who have been victim to PAS! Thanks for sharing Smile

My SS is about to turn 18 this month. It has been a long and difficult journey, and DH and I have often wondered if SS will figure it out on his own eventually. Well much to our surprise he is already starting to realize just how much BM lies and manipulates situations to her own benefit. I know that it doesn't make up for a lost childhood with DH, but it's great to know that any future relationship can still be great!

herewegoagain's picture

My DH parented by guilt for a long time...while he did BM was vicious...but once he met his dad, he began parenting by love and not guilt...of course he stopped playing the BMs games and she became even more vicious...he basically let them both know he would no longer be manipulated and would either parent by love or not at all...they chose the latter...they do try to guilt him into things every once in a while, but in over 9yrs he only gave in once...and therefore he is bad mouthed to everyone by both skid and BM...he has stayed strong and not given in to their BS anymore.

His kid is old enough to know right from wrong...he's not playing her games. I hope that he stays strong even after the kid is on her own.