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Not sure how to feel

HeatherM's picture

So my BS is 13 years old. He currently lives 50% of the time at my house, and 50% of the time at his Dads. I knew there would come a day when he would not want to be carted about like a piece of furniture, and I was always hoping it would be my house he chose to live at 100% of the time. Turns out, I was wrong. My son and I have a very open relationship, one where communication is key. He doesn't at his dads, and is always very fearful about hurting his Dad's feelings. So anyways, it would appear that he thinks it would be easier to live at his dads. I have to say this with no emotion in my blog, otherwise I will burst into tears. Of course this is incredibly hard for me, but I've always told my son I'd support him no matter what. So... although that is an issue I'm dealing with...the biggest issue I have right now is that I blame my DH and my SS8. My BS cannot stand my SS. He thinks he's a loser for lack of better words, and he is. For those of you who've read my blogs in the past... I've been clear on just how much of a loser he is, and there is no point getting into it again. The biggest thing however is that my son resents my SS because of his little baby relationship he has with his Dad. He always needs to be the centre of attention, the apple of Dad's eye. As a result my DH doesn't really have a relationship with my BS... this is after 6 years of being together! I've been on this rampage for 6 years about my DH having some sort of relationship with my kid, and well now it's too late... I just knew this would happen. I'm sooo mad at my DH, yet I know how hard it is to love your Step kids... I hate my SS... really if you want to peel back all the layers I really do... the difference is, I've always 'pretended' to accept him, get a long with him, etc etc.. and although it is tedious and takes a lot of my energy, I did it for the sake of my DH, and because that is what I signed up for when I got married. I explained to my DH that he signed up for the same thing, and now I just want to tell him he didn't live up to his part of the bargain, and as a result I'll be losing my child. I don't know how to feel, I'm just sad I guess. My BS isn't really sure, but I know he's sure.. he's just trying to protect my feelings. I won't let him... it's his life, and no matter how much it hurts me, I'm encouraging him to do what's best for him. I just can't believe though the hatred, and anger I feel gushing in with all this sadness. I blame my DH and his kid, and although I love my DH I wish I never never married him. Sigh... sorry guys... I'm just blowing off some steam.


Sara_Smile22's picture

Is Dad in a relationship or have no other kids in the house/visiting? I identify a LOT with your feelings and predicament. My own BD 16 has thought seriously of moving in with her BioDad before and mentioned the drama with SD 17 and I know is hurt by my DH's lack of affection...almost resentment of her. My SD 16 is what I would call the anti-SD and though my DH wouldn't say it out loud, I think he looks at her and grieves that this is what he wanted his daughter to be. But instead of giving her credit for being a great kid...and due to SD's jealous nature, he can't have a relationship with her and actually MUST withhold approval, an attempt to 'even things out'. She tolerates it and doesn't dish it back, but she's am I. Logistics and her BD's temperment have made it a less that ideal environment, so far, she's sticking it out with us. I think I will probably be devastated if she ever goes though it, so you have my utmost empathy here. I will resent my DH if it happens...for making our home a place that the kids don't feel safe and happy.

HeatherM's picture

Thanks everyone,

Angel I have spoken to DH about it - He's sad for me, he know's he is to blame, and he has apologized. Has he tried harder? Has he stepped it up? Has he stopped coddling this 8 year old toddler he has? No.. which makes me wonder if he ever tried in the first place. He hasn't 'tried' in my opinion. Not like I have tried. I said to him, "This may come as a shock to you, but I have to force myself to like your kid every day".. He didn't respond, maybe he's thinking. At this point however his apology is almost like a slap in the face, and I'd rather he didn't.

(b) Dad is married. She had none of her own bio children though (although they now have one together who is only 6mos old). I know he has issues with his SMother, but to be fair to her I think it's partly because she is the strict one, and his Dad isn't... that is how it was when we were married, I was the strict one as he did nothing. It's just more relaxing at his Dad's house. Way less drama, and his Dad would be really hurt if my son decided to come live with me. I'm really hurt, but I don't let my son see this, his Dad would. My BS and I are closer than him and his dad, sometimes it's easier to hurt those that are closest to you I suppose.

What really bothers me too is that I'm not an idiot. I didn't plan on ever having rainbows and sunshine in my little blended family, but I DID expect us to be a family. I DID expect that our future would be calm and good. I DID expect that my DH have or form some sort of friendship with my son, and all that is kiboshed now (spelling?)... so... it's just very hard for me to look forward and see what that's going to look like. I remember when I was first a single mother. The days without my son were dreadful, but I got used to seeing him every second week, and I'd email him and phone him on the weeks he wasn't with me, but to now think there may be a possibility of seeing him only EOW or something like that, it actually makes me sick to my stomach. On top of that, knowing that I still have to see that little Shithead SS every other week will be a constant reminder to me that my son is not here because of him. And I cannot see how I'm going to move past them (DH and SS) not being as miserable as me when my BS is not home. If they are laughing and carrying on like they normally do I know I'm going to rage inside, and I don't want to end up hating DH, but I know myself... it almost feels like the beginning of the end, and that is not where I want to go. Anyways... this 'event' has not happened yet, but it's in the 'pipeline'... and I can't even go there in my head right now to what this will look like, how it will operate, or how I will feel. Thanks for your support!

Rainbow.Bright's picture

I guess I don't understand why this is coming now? If he is used to spending every other week with you and with BD, why now is he wanting to go all the time with BD? Have things deteriorated?

I just can't seem to beleive that there is no fix to the issue. So DH apologizes, then does nothing to fix it? Nothing to try to keep your son a big part of your life?

I'm so sorry, this seems so crazy to me, it seems like something can be done here without you losing your son half time...