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Family Vacation

HeatherM's picture

So last night DH say's he wants to cancel our family vacation because of the recent issues with SS8.5 ... I told him it wasn't fair... I was looking forward to it, it would be great for our daughter, and my BS was really looking forward to it .. so why should we ALL suffer if it was SS who was the liar?

I was surprised... but he agreed.. he's considering not bringing him... which is not what I want...because despite my 'anger' blogs I'm a bit of a softie sometimes.. but if that is what he decides..then so be it.

He had a talk with ss last night. He said he was sick of his lying, how his lying has changed our family, how he's hurt my feelings, how he's hurting his sister, and how he(DH) will not rush to his aid next time he lies. He told him that family photo's were cancelled, that vacation was cancelled (he said this before our talk).. and that he was disappointed, and wondered why SS didn't care about anything etc etc.. so he goes on and on.. and what does ss do? He asks if he can go watch tv! My DH said, "WHY DON'T YOU CARE"...SS shrugs...put's on a happy face and goes..

I was kind of glad for it though, as DH now realizes SS may have some sort of personality disorder associated with his Pathological lying. DH was actually on my side for once... I was relieved!


starfish's picture

YAY!! so is vacation minus SS back on??? and really can't you do pics without ss, too?? if he cleans up his act he can be in next years family photo... good for dh!

mommylove's picture

I've done vacations and "family" pics with just me and my children pretty much the whole time H & I have been married. Sad? Yes, but better than nothing at all which is what it would be if I waited around for H to contribute to any of these activities. My children shouldn't suffer just because Daddy doesn't care enough about it to make it happen - Mommy cares!

poisonivy's picture

I agree with Starfish....

The rest of the family shouldn't be punished for SS's outrageous behavior. Do your family portraits minus SS and let he'll have a whole year to think about why he needs to change his ways. I'm happy for you, looks like DH is finally seeing the light.

Pantera's picture

Its nice that DH sees it but he needs to be consistent. If he told SS the vacation was cancelled, SS shouldn't be able to go. But anyway, Im happy for you.