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Feeling Blessed

goohsmom's picture

I am definitely feeling blessed right now. FDH has been enforcing more and more discipline on the FSS's, now ages 14 and 16. He still sometimes treats my bios, age 11 and 13, as if they're older, but it isn't as frequent. We're getting the typical push-back from the FSS, especially the older one, who loves to ignore any adult who isn't saying what he wants to hear. My mantra is "I don't do favors for rude people", and that is what is getting me through this stage. That, and the fact that I know the FSS's are basically decent kids, who are unfortunately affected by their BM's PAS.

I honestly feel badly for FDH, as he interacts with my bios during the week, and then has to interact and acknowledge his own bios on the weekends. It's tough for him, to finally see what his Disney-Dad parenting has brought about, but hopefully his change will have some sort of an impact long term on the FSS's. In the meantime, I try to plan my weekends to not be available to help them with anything, as they've identified me as the source of all wrong in their lives. That's okay, just wait until they're older......then I can sit back and smile as they learn some late lessons.