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How did you meet your stepkids?

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

How did you meet your stepchildren? I mean, the first time you ever met them, what happened? How did that go?

How did you meet BM, or, if your situation is like mine, how did you meet the BMs. (I've got's a special level of purgatory you go to if you are a REALLY bad stepchild's the penance you pay for having decent stepchildren).


Lalena75's picture

My SO was sitting on the steps of our mutual friends with his exwife attempting to massage his back at a little kids birthday party, his kids were in the driveway and yard playing with all the other kids and his dd fell in the grass (they were playing tag) she started wailing like she was being amputated BM screamed at her to "knock it the f off" while still attempting to touch SO who was still telling her to "get the F off me" I walked over to their dd and said "if you keep screaming I'll swat your behind and make sure you get no cake, screamers don't get cake." and walked away.
Mind you I had no idea SO had a wife and we weren't yet involved. they had been separated for almost 2 years at that point and he had just recently attempted to get my attention. I was extremely hostile to him for weeks after (he lived with a couple who were good friends of mine) eventually one of them told me the background and that BM would use the kids to get time with him as she refused to let him have the kids unless they did family things. I told mutual friend I wasn't impressed by a balless wonder who would let her manipulate him like that, nor was I impressed that I a stranger to his kid had to step in a parent so I sure wouldn't be getting involved. 2 weeks later my friend sends me video of him telling BM where to go and that if she keeps the kids from him that is on her that they are not a family and she can go suck rocks! lol She started letting him have the kids every so often after that 2 months later he tried again to get my attention and I let him.
First time I was actually introduced to the kids was their first night staying in my home. It went great they had a blast we worked on manners, 2 days later BM went insane when she found out he'd had the kids "at some stupid cunt whores house my kids will never see you again."
Stupid we now "see them" 7 days in a row and sometimes more. The official meeting with BM, I called the shots called her out on every last lie and put her in her place that I didn't give 2 figs about her and SO's relationship as that was dead, what mattered were the kids and since unlike her the bf I wasn't a sex offender, and unlike anyone around BM I was educated and worked hard in a decent job. That unlike her I could call cps and watch her lose her kids right then and there so if she wanted to we could go there. She shut up and realized she was not dealing with some young little girl (she still thinks I'm in my 20's and I'm nearing 40 so I'll take that compliment)

stepmonster_2011's picture

Was meeting my boyfriend (now DH) at his house.

Ring the doorbell.

Tall skinny geeky looking kid opens the door.

Me: "You must be SS's name! Nice to meet you!" all bright and shiny
SS: "I don't know who you are." sullen and no manners
Me: "well of course you don't, I'm dating your dad - he's told me lots about you."
SS: "k. DAAAAAADDDDDDD there's a woman here."

I shoulda turned on my heel and RAN! Wink

or not - my hubby is the greatest!

MamaDuck's picture

I met SD after dating SO for nearly 4 months. She had only just turned 2 so it wasn't a big thing, she didn't really know what was going on lol but we had a great afternoon together.

SO met my kids around the 3 month mark, they were 9, 7 and 5 at the time, I had told them about SO and we planned on meeting him at McD's. It went really well, they liked him a lot, still do Smile

A year and 3 months into r/s, I was at SO's, I was thinking that it was weird that he wasn't trying to get SD in the car for exchange.. then he tells me BM is on her way and he told her that she was going to meet me. SO thought that meeting BM would 'cure' me of my "insecurities" about BM. Dumbass. I wasn't insecure about her, I just didn't want to meet the lunatic!

BM came in the house, she was pleasant to SO and his mother, she looked me over, I moved forward to shake her hand, she turned her back and pretended she didn't see, then she ignored me the whole time she was there.

As soon as she left, I got into my car and drove home, didn't talk to SO for a week. (we were long distance at the time) I hated him for putting me in that awful situation!

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

I will never forget mine for my SDs. DH and I had already planned for me to stop by but he didn't tell the kids. I rang the door bell and my SD19 who was 7 at the time answered the door and I said "is your dad home?" She said "yes he is, do you wanna come in? Do you wanna make popcorn balls with us?!" with a BIG smile on her face (It was around Christmas time and they were making popcorn balls). I said "sure". That night I made popcorn balls for the first time in my life and with a 7 year old who liked me from the beginning...oh but it was not all peaches and cream here:

We also had a 10 year old in the mix (my now SD22) and she was not having it at all with another woman being in the house. The whole time out loud she was saying things like "Dad who is she?" "How do you know her!" "When is she going home?" "I don't want her here"

Funny thing: her and I are closer now then ever and sadly SD19 the cute little 7 year old and I are disengaged. DH also disengaged from her.

BM: I really don't remember when I met her, it wasn't bad circumstances as even though we didn't care for each other, we also got a long pretty much since her and DH could NOT hold a conversation without a fight. I became the person who would talk to her to keep things smooth as it was destroying their daughters with them fighting.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I met my SD when she was 3 days old in the hospital. DH brought me up and I sat in the waiting room until BM came in and told me that I could come see SD. I picked her up and held her and posed for a few pictures for DH. Was sweet as sugar to BM.
BM called DH the next day and said she hated me, I was never to touch her daughter again, and she didn't want me around her daughter ever. She said she didn't want a revolving door of stepmothers in SD's life, so DH wasn't allowed to have any women around. She said if she EVER let SD come to our house, I'd have to go stay somewhere else for the night. Why? Because she was the mom and she said so.

When I met BM, she was 7 months pregnant and needed a ride to her birth class. DH was not allowed to attend. He was to drive her and her boyfriend to the class and then pick them up an hour later. While we were driving there (DH brought me for moral support) BM took off her shoe and smacked DH in the head with it. While he was driving. Because he didn't put his blinker on.

Needless to say, it took every thing in my power not to grab that shoe and chuck it into traffic.

Rags's picture

I met my DW in school. I was in the last semester of my 11 year undergrad plan and she was in her fist semester of college after finishing high school. I met SS-21 on the first date I had with his mom when SS was 15mos old. Pretty smooth and harmless.

We married a week before SS turned 2yo.

I was the first person the Skid every called Dad(dy). He popped that one off after his mom and I had been dateing about 4 mos. No one ever told him to call me Daddy. He just did it. There was a big picture of his BioDad hanging in my then GF's apartment and on the rare occassion DickHead would call the pic was always referenced when DickHead would speak to the Skid. When anyone would say the word "daddy" the kid would point at the picture of DickHead.

After my DW and I started dating the three of us were together nearly every day. We never lived together while we dated. I owned a condo and she had her apartment but we did stay at each other's places on a regular basis. When I graduated and moved out of state for work I figured that was it for the relationship. For the next 5mos my lowest phone bill was nearly $700 so I proposed. I told DW that I could not afford to talk to her any more and we would have to get married. So we did. I called my mom to help DW pack so that her stuff could be shipped with my stuff. A week or so later when I picked my mom, DW and SS up at the airport the kid squeeled and ran to me yelling "Daddy". By then he had been calling me daddy for several months.

His mom and I married two weeks later.

B22S22's picture

I met my SK's on a weekend day - my then DH took me to his parents' house (they had a pool) where his kids were waiting. Within about half an hour, they had called their mom to invite her to "come swimming" and SHE AGREED. After a phone call from DH (and his parents) telling her that was really not a good idea she still insisted... until my DH's dad told her he'd call the police.

I met the BM about 2 months later, she showed up at DH's house "needing to drop off a couple things" - a pair of socks for one of the SK's. When DH opened the door, she pushed past him and walked in to the living room as I was coming out of the kitchen. She stood there, gave me the head to toe stink eye then walked out. Oh, and she never did leave any socks.

I should have smelled the crazy for what it was in those early days.

newtothis03's picture

I first met BM and SD when SD was roughly 2 months old. DH and BM had been booty call buddies if you will. DH had told BM he was dating someone and so did a mutual friend of theirs. BM was under the disillusionment that DH would leave me for her so she never put much thought to DH and I dating until she met me. The first meeting was EXTREMELY uncomfortable. It went down hill from there. Two and half years later, DH and I are now married and BM is still a pain

hereiam's picture

The first time I met SD, was the first time I met my husband. I had been friends with his sister for years but had never met him. I was not interested in him at all! He was simply my friend's brother.

misSTEP's picture

DH (then BF) made the mistake of letting BM KNOW that he was going to have the skids meet me that weekend.

She went and bought a pet (I believe that time, it was a puppy) a FEW HOURS before we were scheduled to pick them up. When we picked them up, SD got in the car but then started crying and crying and was inconsolable for a few hours until she started to get a stomach ache and we finally gave up and took her back to BM's.

It wasn't until afterwards that we found out they JUST got a new puppy and she was sad that she had to leave it at BM's and come to visit us.