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Give in or separate? UPDATE

goldenlife's picture

I am in the process of losing my wonderful husband.

Background: He has two children from a previous marriage, D15 and S13. The 13-year-old boy is a constant source of conflict and has been for the 3 1/2 years we have been together. The entire time we have been together has been MAJOR DRAMA from their mother. DH could only have supervised visitation when we were engaged, during our wedding and the first 4 months we were married because he was under court order. All of that came to nothing and everyone went on like nothing had happened (except for monumental legal fees!)

The son has been kicked out of school, very disrespectful to DH and myself, snoops, spies and tells lies. DH was reported to CPS by his mom for spanking the son after getting kicked out of school for the 17th time in one school year! She took him to court and DH lost custody for 7 months while they battled in court. She tried to file criminal charges and have him lose his job. Son had a temper tantrum in the principal's office and charged at DH, told him he hated him and ran out of the room in front of his mother, all of his teachers and the administrators. His mom has encouraged him to disrespect all authority figures, constantly making excuses for his behavior, defending him and completely turning him against DH. She even told him that they would be better off if DH were dead because they would get the life insurance money and went on to calculate how much they would get. We took SS to family camp and he went around telling everyone this, much to my children's horror because they would give anything to have their father back (he died 4 1/2 years ago. SS has been to 5 schools in the 3 years I've been on the scene and they have moved just as many times. They are unstable and thrive on chaos. DH is just the opposite and that's one of the reasons he left.

SS has always been encouraged to "get in grown folks business" and keep a lot of mess going on between his mom and dad. DH had a really hard time having any positive feelings for his son, didn't trust him (to the point of thinking SS might try to do him harm) and didn't want him around because of the negativity he brought to every situation. He used to snoop on DH computer and report back whatever he found - he has been encouraged and rewarded for this behavior.

Fast forward: About 2 months ago, SS started secretly asking DH to come and live with us - I have two teens from a previous relationship. I finally hear about this latest development about 3 weeks ago. DH approaches me and I could tell much discussion had already gone on about it. I guess SS's mom is sick of him now that she has ruined him and can't wait for him to move out. She wanted her sister (in another state) to take him, DH, anybody. She got mad at him one day and kicked him out of the house. DH brought him home (on a non-visitation day) and I got mad because we have very little time to ourselves and their mom NEVER bends or cooperates if we want to change visitation. DH cannot bring them home 10 minutes early or they will be locked out. She is bitter, vindictive and very controlling. But this situation really touched DH emotionally and now he wants to rescue his son from this toxic situation.

Current situation: I told DH there is no way I can handle his son can coming to live with us, particularly because it will bring his mother closer into our home and life. We have done a pretty good job or keeping her in check but this would open the door wide open. I have had so much drama from this camp that I will not allow it into our house on a full time basis. I told DH I can understand his position but the only way that it could work is if he moved out. We had discussed this as a possibility before we were married because we knew we would have problems with his kids and their mother.
So DH feels he has to honor his son's wishes and is now planning to find a place to live with him. This thing has happened so fast I don't know what to think but I know I can't give in. I have been there with DH through all of this mess and really feel as though I would be letting the devil in my home if I allowed this to happen.

We both agreed that we would stay married, just live in two separate households.

Please advise, ladies.


Karma_'s picture

Do you really want to lose your husband? I think that is so sad. I understand how you feel about the SS moving in, I would feel the same about my SD moving in. Truely, I would. But your husband is seriously looking for somewhere to live! How will your bio children feel about him leaving? Will they feel they have lost another father figure? I really feel for you.

My advice is to bite the bullet and tell your husband that you are prepared to negotiate for the sake of your marriage and because you love him. See a counsellor/therapist together and write up an agreement about what behaviour is acceptable and what is not, who will do what chores, and expectations about school attendance. Include treating other people with respect as a non-negotiable, and try to include one or two things for your SS's benefit i.e. you will knock before entering his room or maybe he gets to spend and couple of hours 'dad' time a week. Make sure you outline the consequences of what will happen if the agreement is not adhered to.

When your agreement is complete, invite your SS to join you and your husband, and present the agreement to SS as a united couple. Explain it is to try to make sure everyones expectations of the situation are met including SS's. When all parties are happy with the agreement, everyone signs it.

You are not letting BM win by choosing to negotiate an agreement with your husband regarding his child. Keep in mind that her bio son would rather live with you than her. Plus YOU have a loving husband.

Don't allow you pride to stand in the way of your marriage. If in the end it doesn't work out and your husband leaves to live with his son, at least you can say you did the best you could. Who knows, you may be able to show your SS a world of stability and love he has not known before.

All the best, let me know what happens.

goldenlife's picture

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and wise reply. I really needed to hear from someone. Your answer made me cry because I do want to fight for my marriage. I will let you know what happens. Thank you very much!

Livin' my life like it's golden!

Karma_'s picture

I really feel you need an objective support person (who is not your husband) so that you can express your frustration, hurt and anger, and then look at the situation with the help of someone who has a different perspective. You can formulate a plan with your 'coach' for approaching each new issue as it comes up. You will feel more in control and able to express your needs and expectations more clearly. You have every right to feel the way you do, but the intensity of your emotion and anger will be frightening your hubby to death!

You don't have to do this on your own. Good luck Smile

goldenlife's picture

I do feel as if no one truly understands what this all feels like. It's scary for me too and I'm still in shock that we are actually seriously thinking about doing this. I guess I would be more inclined to go along with it if there were extenuating circumstances, but all of these changes are just because SS decided one day that he wants to live with his Dad. DH works a 24 hour shift every 3 days so I would be responsible for SS's well-being one-third of the time. I have two teens that I am trying my best to raise - do I need another while his mom is across town sleeping during the day? I know I would have a lot of resentment over the situation in a very short period of time. Maybe I'm only looking at the worse case scenario. I don't want to lose my husband but I don't want to lose my sanity either. I have played the martyr before but no one really appreciates the sacrifices we make.

We have been to counseling early on and BM put a stop to it. She called the director and threatened them if they continued therapy with HER kids. I've been to counseling on my own to help me deal with SS and BM earlier in our relationship. So this has been an ongoing situation and I am just beaten down by it all right now.

But I will get help! You are absolutely right - I need the objective, clear thinking third party to help me. That's why I am so grateful for your counsel!

Livin' my life like it's golden!

Karma_'s picture

Well, I understand how you feel. You are fighting for your life here. Just like I have been fighting for mine for the past 2 years. Let karma deal with that sad excuse of a BM, and you just do the best you can.

everythinghappens4areason's picture

We have experienced many of the same issues you have with your SS & BM. To the point of almost making us ready to sign into the hospital because we can no longer take anymore.

I made it very clear to hubby that although I know it is his son(s) & he loves them dearly, if SS(s) were to ever move in, I would take my kids and move out.

First off; my kids have been raised with structure. Rules & responsibilities go hand and hand around here, for this I have a respectful home because of their attitudes. Hubbys kids have not been raised this way...ever. They are rude & disrespectful of people & anyones elses property. We have a constant battle EOW while they are here because things are ALWAYS broken on purpose (15 & 12) and they are always calling others down...friggin idiots,etc., hubby & I included. It is downright embarrassing to take them anywhere because of their behaviors.

Second off; Hubbys kids think its alright to beat the crap out of one another....we have a hands off policy with the kids. We are continuously having to address this while they are here..they cant even sit in the same room together (skids) or the battle is on.

Thirdly; Schooling is important in this house. I expect you to put your best foot forward at school. Attendance is high, respect for your teachers is high, homework is high on the list. Skids are failing almost everything in school (not because they dont have the ability to pass, but because they do not apply themselves. Personally speaking, they are extremly intelligent kids...if they want to be). They miss months of school each year..just because. If they wake up and dont want to go to school, they dont. Attendance has been an issue for years...something the BM NEVER addresses. Homework is just a word to them, not a responsibility. Unless they happen to bring it here on hubbys wkend (has happened 3 times in 4 yrs that I have been in the picture)it does not get done. Let me point out, when it has come here, it has been by accident. They have brought their backpack for another reason, but we went through it and discovered the homework. This is another thing BM does not enforce in their home.

Fourth on the list; the BM. She has caused so much grief in our home you would have thought that she already lived with us. We have finally got some firm boundaries in place, providing hubby sticks with it. If SS lived here, that would be thrown out the window. Hubby believes that you should keep the other parent involved in the lives of their children....and I do too...but that is when the other parent is NORMAL and not PSYCHO. If SS(s) lived here & hubby allowed her to know what was taking place with the child, it would be hell. We wouldnt be doing this right or that right. It would be drama ALL the time, not just EOW.

Fifth on the list; If things didnt work out, BM would take me for support when SS returned home because I support hubby as he is not able to work....and this is LEGAL if I am a supporting adult to the child. I will NOT pay child support for their child(ren). I have my own who I raise and do not receive support myself. I will be dammed if I am ordered to pay BM one cent after the hell she has put us through..not a chance of this happening EVER.

Sixth; Relationship with hubby. We have had so many issues to deal with, him being injured to the point of not being able to work, continous harassment from the BM & problems with the skids, severe financial problems to the point where I can not keep things afloat much longer and we have our house up for sale & health issues myself, that I do not think the strain of having SS(s) would do anything other than distroy what little we have left as our emotions are drained. It would distroy what I have taught my children (also teenagers) & since there would always be drama in the house; they would never get the attention they need....period. So although hubby loves his kids more than life itself I am afraid that we too would have to live separately.

If things had of been differently with the BM on the structure in her home, supporting hubby in decisions we have made here to help the children, my thoughts might be different. But we have lived through hell already & I couldnt take it if it was anything worse than this.

I suggest you do some serious talking with your husband. Look at the worse case scenario because you have already experienced a monster in the will continue in your house if he lives there.

My heart goes out to you.


Sarah101's picture

I, too, was in just about the same situation as you. I married a man whose teen kids thrived on chaos. Chaos = CONTROL. School didn't matter. What mattered was to control the house and every situation they were in.

What I learned, after three painful years of chaos in my home, was that these damaged kids CANNOT CHANGE. They have no motivation to change...why should they? They know their legal rights and knew that we couldn't get rid of them until they were 18. And they wreaked a hell of a lot of havoc until then--almost destroying our marriage.

What makes my cry is realizing the toll this took on my BD, who was just 9 at the time. She was raised with structure, and learned early to respect others and do well in school. MY decision to allow these toxic people into our home has changed her life. Yes, now they have all been kicked out, but she carries with her the memories of their screaming, fighting, disrespect, drug addiction, alcoholism, stealing, and just plain scumbag behavior.

Luckily for me, BD continues to do very well and realizes that DH's kids were complete losers. Still, I feel so bad that I made her wade through their crap for three years. It wasn't worth it! She deserved my attention while I was dealing with all the chaos they created. They drew me away from what was really important--MY OWN CHILD.

I applaud your decision to have your H move out with his severely damaged SS. He'll learn very quickly what dealing with a screwed up kid really means! You can still work on your marriage, but in the meantime your own children won't be subject to the chaos that a problem child brings to the house. You will be in a much better place.

goldenlife's picture

You ladies don't know how much I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my situation with such wisdom and thoughtfulness. Only you understand the dynamics of this - it is a very fragile, emotional journey we are on. There is so much anger, blame and frustration to go around but what does that get us? Nowhere! I feel like we've taken 10 giant steps backward! But I believe we will prevail I just don't feel it at the moment. Sad

DH has been working 2 shifts for the last 48 hours so he will be home this morning. We've had some tearful phone conversations but I really haven't seen him since we decided that he would actually look for a place and move. Pray for me because I know we will discuss this again today and the tears will flow again. (I'm almost all out of concealer!)

Livin' my life like it's golden!

KC's picture

My heart is breaking for you. I am trying to end a 2 yr relationship w/ my bf who has 3 kids. One of the boys is a demon child and the BM is completely responsible for him being the way he is. I am tired of trying to make him mind and learn manners & I know it will only get worse as he gets older. My BIGGEST FEAR is he will have to come and live with us someday. I'm like you, I just don't think I could handle it.We are truly in love, but I asked my bf to move out and it is killing me. He has been moved out for 3 wks now. He has been my best friend for 2 yrs. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. We don't have any problems, except for this issue. I really wish you were not in this mess. I want you to know I will pray for you tonight and be thinking of you! Please let me know what is going on...I'm really worried about you! Good luck girl! KC

Lace Lady's picture

This is a really tough situation, & it seems like it's going way too fast for you. That can be overwhelming & can actually do more damage to your relationship with your DH. However, this kid is spiralling out of control & your DH wants to be there & be a father. My bioF didn't lift a finger to do anything for me my whole life so I respect a man who steps up for his kids - even if it is hopeless. Sometimes to deal with an issue at hand, you have to put other important things on the back burner for a time. Your DH's moving out might not be a bad thing for now, considering the whirlwind that is going on, & it might take all his energy & effort. Giving him the space he needs to concentrate on the problem might actually help. Giving him support - even from a safe distance - might be what he needs too. Going to counseling is an excellent idea. Keeping an attitude that this is just a season in your relationship might help as well. Just make sure you take time for each other often.


Cajun Lady

sparky's picture

Golden, You need to let them go. Next thing he will be telling lies about you and get you locked up. Think about what you are doing and put a stop to this nonsense. Those 2 people have destroyed him and now he will be allowed to move into your home and destroy your life and the lives of your children? Let the husband go and take the kd with him at least you will have some peace in your life.

ColorMeGone2's picture

I think I would try it without separating first. That would be a last resort. You have to remain united. I think, if your DH is on board and 100% committed to doing so, the two of you can create strong enough boundaries to keep BM out of your home. Your home is your sanctuary. You don't have to allow her unrestricted access to it, just because her child is living there. You can control how often and when she calls on the phone. You can decide how and when to respond to her emails. You can enforce a strict visitation schedule. You can get him into counseling and work on modifying his behavior without constant interference from BM. If your DH is weak and can't support this, then that's when I'd consider separate households, but if he's strong enough to draw a line in the sand between all of you and the BM, and really enforce that boundary, then you may not have to separate.

♥ Georgia, the un-stepmom ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

Dreamer's picture

Although no ones problems are just alike, I've had alot of the same problems you are going thru now.

My out of control skids are living with me now. It's a very rocky road. DH doesn't like how a fuss at them. He says I'm to strict. I remind him that his job keeps him away from home so we'll have to do this my way. The kids are finally wearing down now. Everyday they mind me a little better, but we do have major flair ups after phone calls with BM and visits with her too.

BM dumped them on us after she could no longer control them and all her family refused to take them. This was after 4.5 years of her not letting them see us and poisoning them against us.

As far as BM goes I put my foot down 5 years ago. She would come get the girls and come in our house. Then she would make nasty remarks about thing we had in our home. I reminded her it was all mine b4 we married. She think we don't deserve nice things. All our money should be hers. And after she saw anything new, she would take us back to court for more and more money. Finally I told DH and Skids that she wasn't allowed in my house. That she could wait in the car or better yet we would meet her somewhere. That psyco witch hasn't been in my house since.

I say give it a chance. I remind the girls that they can't go back to there BM's. That they have a choice of minding me and we can do fun thing together or they can go into foster care since DH's job won't let him stay home to care for them. At one point I even told SD12 to go pack her bag and I would call Social Services. Instead DH got her to calm down and she was put on restriction for 2 weeks. But she started minding me!

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns

SoFrustrated's picture

I wouldn't be so quick to move him out yet, that should be a last resort. I would try the counseling again, and this time warn the counselor about what happened last time so that they are prepared. Your husband has just as much right to make decisions about counseling as BM does. I think having two separate households will just create all new problems. It sounds like you really love your husband, and I would hate to see you separated because of an angry vindictive teenager. I agree with many people here. Put down ground rules, and tell him flat out that if he doesn't follow them then he's out. And then follow up on all the conditions. It's either follow house rules and show respect or live with BM or Juvenile Hall, which is where he's headed. Also, I would lay down strict rules about how BM can communicate with you. Email only. Meet at a neutral place for an drop offs and don't even talk to her then. Don't let her into your lives!

Have you looked into boarding or military schools? If he keeps getting kicked out of schools it sounds like he could use some serious help. I have a friend who's a counselor at a boy's military school, and she has nothing but great things to say about it. She says so many messed up kids come in, and do have trouble adjusting to the structure and strict rules, but in the end the process works and the boys come out with a sense of responsibility and self-worth. It's just a thought. I've known a few people who've put their kids in the school, and they all have positive things to say about it. This might not be an option for you, but there might be similar programs around, and there are different financial aid packages available too.

Good luck and I will pray for you!

Karma_'s picture

I was just re-reading all these posts and thinking about a conversation my hubby and I had before we moved in together. He was worried the fact he had 5 kids would scare me off, but he wanted to stress that his children would always come first and if I couldn't handle that, then we were not meant to be together.

The thought of 5 kids and 2 ex-wives was not something I was thrilled about believe me, but I loved him and I thought I could handle it. I remember telling him that I admired the fact he put his kids first, that they would always be welcome in my home, and that I would love them too, just because they were his. Ah, the old rose coloured glasses huh?

If I knew then what I know now, I would have said 'listen here buddy, I'm looking for someone who will ALWAYS put their marriage to me first. If you respect my right to make decisions about things that will affect my life, my right to respect in my own home, and my right not to have YOUR ex-wife be a third party in our marriage, then we as a couple will do our very best to ensure the happiness and well-being of your children, and to make sure you are a big part of their lives'.

I'm lucky that my husband, although its taken time, is realising that to make this situation work, he must put our marriage first. He has slowly made changes to the way he's dealt with the ex's and our relationship is much better. The skids haven't noticed a thing (dad has never missed a weekend EVER), but the ex's are absolutely filthy that they don't hold all the cards anymore. They up'ed the anti on their campaign of hatred, but are now realising that we will not back down and things are starting to settle down.

Phew! If I knew then what I know now...

Harleygal's picture

Early in my marriage to DH he kept a lot of things to himself. Within the first year DH said he needed to move out by himself for a while. I couldn't figure out what was going on and he couldn't explain it. Three separate times he moved in and out. He would panic and move out and then panic and move back in. In the meantime, this tore my own girls apart. My oldest had considered him her only father figure. I knew there was more to the story though. Come to find out SS at BM's was getting into a lot of trouble - growing dope in his own closet, slammed his fist through a wall in his bedroom, threw a plate of spaghetti against the wall, hanging out with a bad crowd, cursing out BM and SD. BM allowed SS and his buddies to underage drink in the house. She says she didn't know about the dope thing. I don't believe that for a minute as she enjoys doing the same things. My DH did not want to tell me out of embarrassment because of how they are. How did BM expect SS to act with no discipline? DH felt guilty about the whole thing and thought he could get SS under control if he had his own place. But SS continued to run around with his friends not really visting DH at his place. DH made his bed he needed to lay in it. It wasn't long before he figured out this wasn't working either. He began seeing a counselor who set him straight. He came home and we haven't had a problem since. Now I fear we may go through something similar with SD. She defies BM at times - who can blame her- and has refused to go home a few times. I wonder why. Anyway, the root problem being BM and her lack of discipline. In my case, my DH needed to refuse to let skids run his life. After they're grown, who will he be with? Me. And it would not be a good thing for him to piss me off! Counseling is in order here I believe.

"I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry" - Rita Rudner

goldenlife's picture

Thank you all for your responses! I appreciate the time you have taken to help me. We are still in limbo but I will let you know what happens. This is very painful for me right now!

Livin' my life like it's golden!

Most Evil's picture

Don't let the SS break you up. I wrote this once before but my computer keeps messing up. Set up the rules and let him come in, but if he breaks any, he has to go be a ward of the state! Don't pay to run two separate households, that will be another way to weaken your bond, allow the BM more access, with the goal being to break you guys up.

I agree with Harley. The SS will have to live with whatever he does now. You and DH will have to carry on with your own lives regardless. You love DH and vice versa, so let where the SS chips fall be up to SS.

"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." -Albert Camus

jc's picture

I agree. Your marriage comes first. Having your husband move out is only teaching his son that HE comes before YOU. Once he realizes this you will never get his respect back. Is the plan not to eventually have your husband move back in? Because good luck with that. Your SS will rebel against that like you would not believe. Why move in with SMom and her kids when he can have Dad all to himself? He will do whatever he can to break your marriage apart.

It seems that BMom is still obsessed with your marriage. Hence having SSon spy, etc. This is only going to get worse once she has your husband living on his own and vulnerable to her manipulations...

I agree with coming up with rules. And strict consequences if the rules are broken. He will have two choices. Smarten up and obey the rules or move back in with BMom.

Good luck.

stired_crazy's picture

You D.H needs to stand by you, there comes a point where parents have to let their kids learn the hard way.
Children grow up having their own lives, he is going to feel like crap when his son moves on without him because he GETS his own life.

Listen.. I went through this with my B.F a long time ago, He stood by his children and x..I knew nothing right!
I got tired of the battles and standing by him so I said Heck with it,
For 3 months that man sat alone waiting on kids to come around( and they did on THEIR conveience which was rarely), when he seen he had NO ONE then he realized my importance..

when they are older you can not live for the kids anymore, its differnt if they were 5 or 6 even 10 and 12 years of age, but when they are close to being 18 and older you got to let them exsperience that hard part of life on their own, and although it would be hard for hubby to turn the other cheek he has to, HE CAN NOT LIVE FOR HIS SON!

Our job as parents is to be a teacher..we tell them and give them the best of advice, but it naturally up to them to take it!

Hubby is making the wrong choice here, YOU ARE HIS WIFE!
Although it hurts him to see his son doing whatever he needs to back off and let him fall in sh*t and learn the hard way,
Is it easy to do? "NO",
Do we like to see other people hurt and struggle? "NO"
but its part of learning lifes lessons to grow up.

You are in a VERY bad spot, and I do know how you feel, and YOU come before the children when they are older.

When you married him you did not say " I do to him and son", and neither did he, he was not apart of the courtship other then being apart of you lives.

Sometimes..we have to let people go even when it hurts, but I tell you the truth..if he leaves...he WONT be happy in the long run, maybe hubby is going to learn a hard lesson in this like mine did,

This is a bad spot your in and I wish this on no one, but if he wont bend for you..Let him go and let him see it for himself!

I had to..and it was not easy..but I realized I was up aginst a losing battle, and I got tired of being at the losing end, So eventually I was sure to give him what made him SOOOOOO happy!

He wasnt so fricken happy about that decision after all, he drank more,sat alone ALOT!
waited on phone calls and arrivals " no show"...wanted them to stay for days at a time" they were busy"...and it will happen to your hubby to,son will have his own life..and thats when hubby will see what a BIG mistake he just made!

Good luck...I really feel for you~

" This is not the life I ordered".

goldenlife's picture

I really feel as though DH will leave. He believes he shouldn't have to leave and is resentful - according to him, I should just let his son move in. I can't do that, I won't do that.

This move will really reek havoc on us financially as well because he is not planning on paying any bills at our (my) home in order to move out He will find a home for himself and his son and pay bills there. This is sooooo messed up - I didn't see it coming at all. I feel as though I've been sucker punched. Pray for us.

Livin' my life like it's golden!

goldenlife's picture

And not only was she slamming him but she has ALWAYS slammed me and I was nowhere on the scene when he left her.
I am really, really close to just throwing in the towel. I am soo sooo tired right now.

You are exactly right. DH's exact words to her about a year ago was, "This is the monster you created so you deal with him!" Yet now he is willing to sacrifice our marriage and I've only been good to him, for this kid. Oh well maybe that's what DH deserves! I think I'm done.

Livin' my life like it's golden!

goldenlife's picture

Dh and I went to counseling on Tuesday and she was awesome! She hit on all the key points in about 15 minutes, all the things I've been saying for a month but he was able to hear her. Thank God!

First, she got DH to admit that it was a terrible mistake to agree to let SS come to live with us w/o talking to me first (duh!)

Secondly, she said BM and SS would bring poison into our home and the relationships are toxic! My exact words. She said DH and SS need to go to counseling together to resolve their issues. After that, we can think about having SS move in after 2 years or so. It was such a relief to know I'm not crazy or selfish. DH agreed and we decided to talk to SS together about the next steps.

we are back on the same page and I am happy!

Thank you all for your support and comments!

Livin' my life like it's golden!

Karma_'s picture

Well done!

Staying and working through your problems is much harder than throwing your hands in the air and walking away.

You AND your Dh are to be congratulated.

as Borat would say HIGH FIVE!