goldengoat's Blog
Guzzlord isn't spying on my computer, after all.
I had it checked out by an IT person. It wasn't cheap, but now I have peace of mind. My next guess is that he was just hovering in hopes I'd be cooking lunch or something, and it was really working out his way. I have started doing work stuff via my laptop, though, because I know he never has access to it and I know he likes to sneak into our office and dig around in here. He stole my earbuds last week and tried to literally blame it on the dog, saying that he must have counter-surfed them off my desk because he brought them down to the basement straight to Guzzlord...
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I think Guzzlord Is Spying on My Computer?
To put it mildly, I haven't been well lately and I've been working from home. I've ordered lunch from Grubhub a couple of times throughout the last couple of months. But today it really hit me that something seems really weird.
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Mostly-OT: F this weekend.
My parents are up for a visit. It's their first time at our new place. There are just a few days of their 2 weeks here left.
My stepdad and my DH are both talkers. They like to control the conversation, they both fancy themselves to be terribly interesting people, and they're both a little bit one-uppers (mostly that's my stepdad, in all fairness to DH).
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The Entitlement Is Strong With This One
Tuesday, I canceled my Spotify family plan and just kept the single-person premium for myself. DH never uses Spotify and doesn't care, and Guzzlord does use it fairly often but honestly just f him, he contributes nothing to the family, community, or world, so he can legit deal with a few ads. Everything's getting more expensive, I'm in cutting costs, growing my own veggies and herbs, clipping coupons, and ramping up the savings mode. He'll be fine.
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Vent on the Losing Battle
I lost my patience with trying to get DH and Guzzlord in line on the dish situation. Like, I realize it sucks this place doesn't have a dishwasher, but it's not hard to do if you keep up with them and I feel like Guzzlord won't die from overexertion without one. I decided for now I'll do it myself and think of something Guzzlord can't screw up that's still helpful to his dad and I. I feel like there's some weaponized incompetence at play here.
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The Raging Angst of Having to Contribute 1 Daily Chore and No $ at 19
It was a dumb weekend and I hated it.
Friday night I cooked a huge meal, and we reminded Guzzlord to do the dishes therefrom at some point before 7AM Saturday because it's helpful if we can access our sink when we wake up. I know I should honestly just do this all myself, but the kid has 1 f'ing chore in the whole world and you would think we'd asked him to put a new roof on the house every day.
Puppy Problems
I'm finding FSS18 to be kinda awkward to type so often, so I'm just gonna go with Guzzlord (it's a Pokemon reference) since that's what I jokingly call him in my head, anyway. *biggrin*
We've had our puppy, River, for almost a year now. We picked him up when he was 9 weeks old after an old friend back home pulled an irresponsible-pet-owner move and wound up with a litter. I was planning a trip to visit, anyway, and the timing worked out just right.
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Just Need A Place To Vent
I'm in dire need of a place to vent. Also, does anyone know the protocol if your SS is just 18 as far as whether he's considered an adult or teenage step at this stage?
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