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UPDATE: My stepson still had not said my name aloud but

gobbism's picture

He went to his family counselor after a several month hiatus and my DH went as well a few days after SS.

SS(14 years old) was with us last weekend and we brought it to a head when we ate dinner with a good friend who was aware of the situation and ended up being, though we did not plan it, a pretty good mediator.

SS admitted that he found it hard to accept my relationship with DH but that he still liked and respected me. I told him straight out that I was trying to do right by him but that I did not like being treated like a welcome mat and that it hurt me and even worse made me very angry.

Anyway, I have decided not to push the issue for a little while. Our counselor advised us not to push it for a little while and said he'd bring up this issue with SS. Sounds like he might not have talked directly to SS about this. This sort f rebellion is pretty common and he could be worse. I know that from reading various posts from other people here.

I hope that we can work through some of this before I have to spend a whole week with SS when we visit DH's parents. One thing I think will be less common is SS constantly addressing DH to the exclusion of myself constantly. We both made it abundantly clear that that is incredibly annoying.