GhostWhoCooksDinner's Blog
What DH's Decided Re: SS15
For now, we've decided not to give him the option of being with BM full-time. One, we don't want to pay her CS, and a huge chunk of our income would be going to her based on DH's salary. We couldn't stomach that, knowing it's going to fund BM's electronics addiction and SF's Pabst Blue Ribbon weekends. No thanks. We'd rather deal with SS15 being in the house. Two, we don't want to give SS15 the power. He's 15. If he wants to go back to BM full time when he turns 18, that's his choice. We also don't want him to feel like DH is "giving up" on him.
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About to Lose Child #2
DH has been struggling so much over the past six months or so with SS15 ignoring us, pretending we don't exist. It's become increasingly uncomfortable (and honestly, pointless) to have him in our home. He speaks to no one, interacts with no one, and is basically a ghost wandering around. He admitted to DH in so many words that he only keeps coming because he wants to stay in our school district.
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O/T- Some Walking Dead Fun on This Lovely Friday
Anyone else eagerly awaiting the Season 5 premiere? DH and I hosted a party for all our fellow fans last year and are doing it again next year. LOL! People think we're nuts, because we go all out. I found a brain Jello mold and brain ice cube trays, so I will make a Jello brain for dessert and our drinks will be chilled by floating brains. I will be serving Hershel's Spaghetti with Farmer Rick's Garden Salad on the side. I made these femur-shaped breadsticks last year that were a hit, and they will be making an encore this year.
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Should I Be Suspicious?
Today, when DH and I got home from work, SS15 was a completely different person from who he's been the past six months with us. He asked us about our day, told us all about what he's doing in school, talked a mile a minute about his friends and whatnot.
I'd like to think that me calling him out on his bullshit had some impact. BUT, knowing SS, he probably wants something or is manipulating for some other reason. I'd like to believe there's been change but I just can't. I'd like to reengage, but I'll be damned if I let him screw me over again.
Would you be suspicious?
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I went for a routine checkup today, and my blood pressure is through the roof. It always used to be normal, but has been climbing slowly the past three years. Since I've known BM and her mini-mes. Coincidence?
I swear, the step life is going to kill me.
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Will SS15 Ever See the Light?
SS15 has made no improvement in his treatment of us since I last posted. He continues to ignore us all. In turn, we do nothing for him but the bare minimum. Three squares a day and a roof over his head. We feel him pulling further and further away and honestly, we'll be surprised if he continues visitation after this week. BM's PAS is working its wonderful magic on him. Despite him knowing who we are and what we're about, despite BM's poor treatment of him, he will always choose her. I understand the dynamics behind all that.
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DH Has Just About Had It with SS15 (Language, and kind of long)
Today marks one week that SS15 has been with us for his two weeks here. He continues to ignore us other than to utter expected pleasantries: "hello," "goodbye," and such. Not only has he been ignoring us, but he's also been doing the passive-aggressive crap that he's been starting with the last few months: doing a half-assed job with chores he knows damn well how to do, "forgetting" to rinse his dishes and put them in the dishwasher, stuff like that.
Radical Acceptance
I have an amazing therapist. She is a stepmother who has been dealing with an unstable BM and PASed SD for twenty years. She understands the realities of what stepparents go through, the dynamics of step life, and has been unbelievably instrumental in helping DH and I maneuver our way through this minefield.
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Gave SS15 a Dose of Reality. Doubt It Did Any Good.
The past few months, SS15 has been distant toward all of us, especially the first few days after he comes back from BM's and the last few days before he goes back. This week, he decided to ignore me completely and pretend I don't exist. He didn't speak a single word to me from Friday night through Sunday night. He didn't make eye contact once. If I was in the same room and he needed something, instead of asking me he'd go to another part of the house or outside to ask DH.
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The Family We Could Have Been
I haven't been on in a while. I've been busy with BS18 graduating high school and getting ready for college, as well as a really busy period at work. I've popped onto ST and read here and there when I could.
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