Update on my weekend
Sooo.. the weekend was going great. The skids were the opposite of how they were for the xmas trip we took to my inlaws. No children telling me how they didnt like me or didnt want to sit near me.. or count how many times I laughed or why was I doing this or doing that (all pointed out in a negative way)..
We had my family over on Sat for our Christmas get together (I still hadnt been able to celebrate w/my family).. and dh and I were miracously able to get everything done and ready for the "party".. We even were able to visit my friend in the hospital the night before (she had her 1st child)...
Sun. my SD had the little girl across the street (7) over to play in her room.. the weekend had gone great. 430 we send the friend home.. and have the skids start getting ready to be driven home by DH.. then the phone rings....
I answer the phone to find my neighbor on the phone. Did my SD9 keep candy in her room?? me.. Nope.. the skids can only have candy in the kitchen and dining room.. WHY?? neighbor: Because, D7, said she ate some candy that looked like pills that were for bedwetting.. Me: OMG. Are you kidding me?? I am going to KILL their mother. (this is where my stomach dropped... I know there is validity to this comment from neighbor's d7, since my SD9 is a bedwetter.. and her mom is always trying different things...) ME: SD get down here NOW!!! SD comes down.. ME: (w/neighbor still on the phone) DID YOU AND FRIEND TAKE ANY PILLS IN YOUR ROOM????? SD9: No. ME: STOP LYING AND GO GET THE BOTTLE!!!
At this point my DH is upset and is charging up the stairs to her room.. he finds the bottle that used to have homeopathic bedwetting pills. He hands me the container so that I can read it to my neighbor.. I am CONSTANTLY apologizing to my neighbor.. explaining that WE did not give SD pills to have in her room.. that they must have come from her mothers.. and How sorry I am.. OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. shaking the ENTIRE time. I made SD go over to the neighbors w/the pill bottle in hand and apologize to my neighbor...
Keep in mind. My DH and I keep ALL of our medication above the microwave which is above the stove in our house.. because we know that medication and children dont mix.. WISH someone would tell the BM.
I am sure this has permanently damaged my friendship w/my neighbor. I KNOW THIS.. if the roles were reversed.. I wouldnt send my child over to my house ever again.. not in a million years.
DH and I have a convo w/the sd letting her know the dangers of sharing medication.. and that she should never "share" her meds w/someone else.. NOR should she take any meds someone else is giving to her.. that she could have made her friend really sick.. not to mention herself. DH then drives them home. He explains the situation to the SDad.. as BM isnt home. When he gets home.. I explain that he needs to call BM in front of me and explain that she is under NO circumstances to send medication IN her children's backpacks.. that she is to HAND it to him personally.. that if she does it again.. I WILL CALL DSS. I am so royally pissed that she put ME in that position. My name is the only name on the deed.. as it was a premarital asset... I will not go to jail for this irresponsible person.
Would you be as pissed????
- frustratedinMA's blog
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I would have been freaking
I would have been freaking livid beyond belief if my SD's mom sent her with some kind of meds and 1) not let anyone know about it and 2) just give them to your SD and not to one of you to give to her ! What kind of insane mother does that! It could have been a liability to you guys and you werent even aware of it! Her mom needs a swift kick in the rear if you ask me!
Oh.. she does for sure. I
Oh.. she does for sure. I am still mad, upset and sick over the whole thing. I am worried about the relationship with my neighbor as well. This woman trusted me to watch after her youngest child.. and NEVER in a million years would I have thought that could have happened in my home.
The psycho BM is not stable if you ask me. This is also the person that refuses to put me on notes that we get to take the children away on vacations. She lists anyone other than me as able to seek medical attention for them in the even that my DH is unable to. I really dont think she gives a rats @ss about her kids. I think she stuck it in there INTENTIONALLY.. since she does not like to discuss sd9's bedwetting problems with the people that she spends EOW at their home. Its as if she thinks is none of my dh's business.. I mean.. WHY tell him she sent pills up with the kid in her backpack.
I told my DH that if this happens again.. he is going to have to make arrangements to visit w/his children some place other than MY house... again.... I am the only name on the deed.. I am the one that could get sued and thrown in jail...
I am so tired of the BM's bullsh*t and her undermining.. and now this... she put her child at risk... and that of my neighbor's child.
My SS was
"diagnosed" with ADHD. BM knows how DH and I feel about her using meds instead of discipline to control the situation. We did not know for a while she was sending meds to our house for him. Not until I went through SD's stuff and found them. Now I think she sends them with SS but not sure. I go through his stuff too but can not find them. I know BM tells him to hide them from us. What is this doing? It is teaching the kids that it is ok to lie and keep stuff from adults. Stupid ass women. Where the hell do DH's find them????
I wonder what was going
I wonder what was going through my dh's then 23yr old mind. I think his brain wasnt fully developed or something.
BM's mom.. she is a nurse. I bet she would LOVE to hear how her stupid kid is sending pills w/her gd secretly.. so that gd is UNSUPERVISED.
I am really still just really ill from the whole thing
I would be too, Im really
I would be too, Im really sorry that it happened.. I hope your neighbor knows that you dont find that acceptable in your home and that you are bound and determined to not only fix the current situation but that you will prevent it from happening in the future.
I would hit the roof!
I cannot believe that any parent would do such a thing, homeopathic or not. I just find it appaling. I am sorry that you were put in that position. I hope that you can regain the trust of your neighbor.
I hope I can too.. but I
I hope I can too.. but I wouldnt blame her one bit for not trusting her child at my home... not at all
Accidents happen, kids get
Accidents happen, kids get hurt and you had no way of knowing those pills were there. Your concern speaks volumes to her I am sure, as well as her concern for your SD taking pills without being monitored, thus she wouldn't have called.
Take a deep breath, document it, and when you take the kids back demand to know what she is putting them on. If it isn't FDA approved, wouldn't that be considered negligence? Not sure, check the laws, do some digging. Strip search the kids when they get there.
I do not even let my kids or SKIDS eat the cookies their mom tends to send "even though she knows we will throw them away" I just send them back. The chic is off her rocker and I wouldn't put it past her to give everyone the crappers for a week.
Accidents happen, kids get
Accidents happen, kids get hurt and you had no way of knowing those pills were there. Your concern speaks volumes to her I am sure, as well as her concern for your SD taking pills without being monitored, thus she wouldn't have called.
Take a deep breath, document it, and when you take the kids back demand to know what she is putting them on. If it isn't FDA approved, wouldn't that be considered negligence? Not sure, check the laws, do some digging. Strip search the kids when they get there.
I do not even let my kids or SKIDS eat the cookies their mom tends to send "even though she knows we will throw them away" I just send them back. The chic is off her rocker and I wouldn't put it past her to give everyone the crappers for a week.
OMG.. how funny.. she sent
OMG.. how funny.. she sent food once.. it was around Christmas time a few years back. I had not planned on putting any of it out.. (it was all baked goods) and the skids asked.. what about the food mommy sent???
So I let them eat it.. But neither my DH NOR I touched one bite. Did let the skids eat it though, didnt know a nice way of telling them that it might be laced w/dieretics (sp?).
That is funny...
BM sent chocolate frosted cupcakes with the girls and a "special" frosted pink one for me. (Pink's my favorite color) DH whispered to me, "you're not gonna eat that are you?".....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
The best strategy is to
The best strategy is to think like them, LOL, I am kidding, she is completely insane and hell bent on making my life miserable
I kill her with kindness....I even found HER birth mom for her. I know it was her - see thats where I have talent, internet detective. She hasn't popped off at me since, she also didn't contact her BM - she was scared. She has looked for over ten years and I found her in an hour and even found her pics and bio.....they are identical. The EX is destined to be a crazy lard a** covered in warts - I kid you not