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Christmas Presents

Fransica's picture

I keep waiting for my SD11 to say something about getting her dad a -she picks out something and I buy it and say it is from her- present. She has yet to even mention anything to me about it. Should I just wait until she says something and then take her to walmart so she can pick out something or should I just wait and see if she says anything or not?

As of right now, none of my husband's gifts says who they are from. They just have his name on them.


gijimenez5's picture

It should come from her. Children need to learn that it's not only about receiving it's about giving. Come Christmas time if she didn't give him anything she should feel bad and learn her lesson, come next year she would want to do the right thing. My BS06 and BS15 always want to work to get money for Christmas, where as my DH just hands over SS13 money without him asking, so SS13 never learns the lesson, it's much easier to just receive the money and buy then to work for the money and buy for someone else.

imjustthemaid's picture

I would remind her. When SD was that young I used to have to be the one to suggest it and bring her to the mall.

Not that it did any good because now at age 16 she would never get anyone a present on her own!!

My DD is turning 11 this week and I still have to remind her.

Fransica's picture

Thanks for your advice. I will go to Walmart once she gets out of school tomorrow and ask her if she would like to get her dad anything.

bartlett5157's picture

I would ask her at least. My ss drives me crazy but I don't purposely try and make him feel bad. However he is only 6 and it isn't all that bizarre for a kid not to remember to get their parent something.