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mom not returning kids

fiercewonderwoman's picture

oh my god she isn't bringing them back. i cannot believe she isn't bringing them back. he has full physical and legal custody of his kids. she has 8 hours of visitation a week. she is an alcoholic and a drug addict who has been gone for 2 months and she just resurfaces and then bam...threatens and then doesn't come back with the children. it is past their bedtime. we are supposed to be on the road for our family vacation. it is just ruined. this is all ruined. and i can't do anything. i am totally powerless and i don't know where these babies that i have been raising for 2 years are and i am a wreck. i can't see straight and he just says we just have to wait it out. i don't want to wait it out. i want to call the police and raise holy hell and have someone go and find her and bring these children home. and i can't say anything. i can't be snarky. i can't be mean. i feel so helpless and i want to rage and i have to be this support for him...and i love him so deeply that i want to be calm for him but i am not a woman who does not engage in action. i engage in action. powerless. hopeless.


Justme54's picture

You really need to call the police. Did she even call? How do you know if they are even ok? What is he thinking?


StubbornEnough's picture


brutallyhonest's picture

fiercewomanwonder happens to be a friend of my and I told her about Steptalk and that is was a fantastic place to vent. So she could get it all "out" and then be the support her SO needed. The kids were returned just way, way late. BM wouldn't answer the phone and missed the drop off time. The cops were called, but said they couldn't do anything for 48 hours since the kids are with their BM and not necessarily in danger. Sounds like the cops didn't want to get into dealing with a custody issue unless they absolutely have to. BM utilized her court ordered time and BM's mom is supposed to supervised the visitation. BM's mom also wasn't picking up her phone when the drop off time was missed either. The kids are too young to have a cell phone so they couldn't reach the kids either. Given the history of drug use, fierewomanwonder wanted to call our the FBI, national guard etc. and was so frustrated their seemed to be nothing to do but wait out BM's little game.

So in short, kids are back where they are supposed to be, fiercewomanwonder and her SO left on their family vacation (much later than planned, but at least they are going) and now have more evidence to use for the next court date to change the visit supervisor to someone more reliable/or terminate the visits all together. I'm sure she will update when she can

Passive Outsider's picture

Glad they are ok. They need to file contempt, and ask for supervised visitation at a facility rather than an unreliable grandparent.