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This is the longest weekend of my life

fedupstep's picture

DH and SD16 are determined to make this weekend miserable for me.

In my last blog I talked about how I am in the shit house about not being thrilled about sd16 new boyfriend, Chester the Molester who is 21 years old. DH, BM and Sd16's stepdad are all fine with it.

Because of this, they have both been all passive aggressive with me all weekend. And yesterday SD offered to make lunch for just her dad and herself while I was sitting in the room. When I had the nerve to point it out, DH was annoyed that he actually had to parent her.

My dad was throwing a birthday lunch for my brother, sil and I today. All of us have birthdays within a week of each other. My brother and his family (including 3 step daughters), my dad and stepmom and DH, SD16 and I. We had pizza and wings and should have been a nice time. Oh no! Sd16 sat and sulked the whole time. She was either too cold, too hot, starving or had a stomach ache. She sat with her nose in her phone most of the time, which I told DH to tell her to put the damn phone down. You want to be rude to me, whatever, but YOU WILL NOT BE RUDE TO MY FAMILY.

My dad asked her how school was and sd16 started telling him about her new love. My dad asked how old he was and when she told him he looked over at me and I just smiled. He asked, 'does your dad know how old he is?' 'Oh yes' she said 'he has no problem with it'.

Then something funny happened. DH now was in a position to look foolish. He tried to stammer something out about BM allowing it and SD16 unwittingly through him under the bus with, 'but daddy, you said you liked him!'. I wish I had a camera to rewatch his flustered reaction to be being called out in front of my family.

My family has too much tact than to question DH's logic in this. But DH has barely spoken all afternoon and will likely be moody for days now.

My birthday is next weekend and we are going to my cousin's to celebrate. If he continues with this shit, I will be leaving him at home.


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

It could be a Waffle House wedding. Google pictures of THAT one.

Props to your Dad!!

Maxwell09's picture

And the Father of The Year Award goes to....your dad...

This is what I like to call a "Jesus" moment, when the Angels sing and ta-da you were proven right when someone tries to make it seem like you are the crazy one! He's stupid to let his daughter date a man no matter how boyish he acts. Your DH knows exactly what goes on in the mind of a 21 year old boy and the relationship expectations that man has for his daughter. He's setting that girl up for Daddy Issues. Good for your relatives for calling him out! They deserve a pat on the back for not just hushing up about it but instead asked about it openly. Your DH was embarassed by his daughter and by his own actions so if he wants to stew and be angry it should be with himself for allowing such stupidity to happen in the first place.

fedupstep's picture

LMAO! This is pretty much how I see her wedding. I'll be sure to wear a tube top and no bra and my hotpants. Will even break out the bedazzled flip flops for the big event! Makes a mama proud!!