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It's called 'trying to be nice DH'. Don't worry, I won't do it again.

fedupstep's picture

I can't win for trying.

This is likely the last weekend we have sd16 before school starts. As per always, Dh is in a stressed and pissy mood whenever the child is here. I usually just busy myself during the weekend, but this weekend she wasn't bad...not great but probably the best weekend in months. DH followed through on a consequence; she had to help with yard work this weekend. (although he 'rewarded her good work' with a 4 pack of chocolate bars. She's the only kid I know that gets rewarded for completing a punishment.) I took a picture of her raking the yard...wish I could post it here. I may use it for my Christmas card. Smile

Any hoo...because we will not likely see her before school starts, I mention to DH that on Sunday afternoon I will take her to the dollar store and give her $10 to pick up a few school supplies. He looked at me like I had 2 heads. "That's why I pay child support" he replied. Perhaps DH, but you are constantly complaining to me that she and I never spend any one-on-one time together. I need to go there anyway. I will leave her in the school supply isle and do my own thing. He doesn't understand why I'm doing this. "To be nice" I told him. She can learn a basic lesson on budgeting, she has $10, not a penny more, to spend on things she needs/wants. She can work out the tax in her head. He is against the idea. "You're wasting your money fedup". Shit should be thanking me for spending a dime of my money on your kid since between you and BM she will likely get only get something ridiculously impractical (like last year spending $15 on a pencil case, but no pens)

So I never spend time with her, but when I offer it's not a good idea? SMH