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Crazy BM is at it again!

fedup3's picture

My SD had a 5-hour visit with her BM for the first time in 3 months (since she decided to live with us). This was mandated by the judge, as he wants SD to start seeing her mother before our trial in June. SD was totally against it because she knew she'd only be badgered.

Well, not only was she right, but BM decided to take SD's cell phone (our Christmas gift to her) out of her purse when she went into the bathroom. BM "claims" she didn't see it & doesn't know where it is. We called the cops, filed the complaint, and stopped service on SD's phone. She has absolutely NO right to so much as touch that phone. It is ours, we bought it, and we pay for the service!!

I just want to know, WHAT KIND OF CRAZY BITCH DOES THIS CRAP?? She stood in court on Friday crying that she misses her daughter & wants to see her. What makes her think SD would want to see her when she acts like this??? SD now hates her mother and refuses to see her again. She's supposed to see her this week for a dinner visit. My husband is in the process of talking to our lawyer to file an emergency petition.

Anyone been in this situation before? If the judge mandates that SD must visit her mother, but she is now clearly refusing to go...what can we do?


Dreamer's picture

I have no advice but I will put your family in my prayers tonight. skids BM does that crap too but they still want to see her and think she's God.

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns

fedup3's picture

SD does NOT want to see BM and thinks she's a pile of crap! Thank you for your prayers...they are much appreciated! I wouldn't say I'm a super-religious person, but I was brought up with religion in my life and sometimes God is the only thing that keeps me going.

ttina's picture

Can you convince SD to go if she can being a friend? Or be honest with her... tell her, "you do not have to enjoy it, you don't have to even speak to her, this is your choice, but we HAVE to take you.... The courts have their reasons, even if we don't agree... but if you don't go, the judge could say we didn't try and will MAKE us do this longer.... If we do this right... we can prevent any extra visits after court... we just have to show the court that we followed the rules and she didn;t.... that way she is the one who messes up... not us" Granted this would need to be age appropriate. But if visits are court ordered and avoided it will put the BM in a more favorable "poor pitiful me" light.