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Dose of her own medicene

evil_one's picture

My Hell and Daddy-kins came home about a half an hour ago...She goes into her room and shuts the door....A few minutes later we all hear her annoying voice screeching "Dad!!! My acne medication is missing!!"

Daddy-kins: "You probably just lost it in that dirty room.." (He acknowledges her room is dirty but heaven forbid he should tell her to clean it.)

My Hell: "NO, I left it on my dresser this morning...I neeeeeeeedddd it so I don't break out!" (She is right about that...With out that face cream she is a regular pizza face...)

Daddy-kins to evil-one, "Hey babe??? Did either of the other girls go into My Hell's room anytime today?"

(Non Nonchalantly from the other room)Evil-one to Daddy-kins, "No, they left before her this morning and just got home an hour before you guys and have been in their room the entire time." (The truth.)

Daddy-kins to My Hell, " You probably just lost it some where."

My Hell, "Daddy we have to get me some more or I will break out really bad!"

Daddy-kins to My Hell, "I just took you to the Dr.three days ago to get that prescription refilled! Its gonna be a month before you can get back into the dr for more!" (He is right about that...It takes forever to get an appointment at the Army hospital...)

My Hell, " a whole month?? I can't be seen with zits all over my face!!!" (Technically she can be seen with zits on her face and it looks like she will be for a while month...Kinda like Evil-one was seen at work with out her cover up and mascara for a whole day because it was missing.)

Daddy-kins, "Sorry baby, I will set you another appointment but it's gonna be a month. You should take better care of your stuff and not loose it all the time."

My Hell, (Wailing loudly), "Great, just great!! I will have to go to school with a bag over my head!!!I would rather kill myself then go to school with zits all over my face!" (Slams bedroom door and throws self on bed in academy award winning fashion..)

Poor My Hell..For the first time evil-one will enjoy My Hell NOT getting a "dose of her own medicine"..Seems it has come up my make up, my daughters i touch, and my other daughters clothing...}:)


evil_one's picture

Well oneoffour,

All I will say is that Daddy-kins never asked me if I had been in her room today...

purpledaisies's picture

LOL I was thinking the same thing. Some times we have to give it right back before they will get it! I did that one time and dh finally got it and said point taken. I hope yours will too.

oneoffour's picture

So when it appears (once she has a mild breakout) where will she 'find' it? Under some dirty clothes in her room? She still may never find it. Thinking... thinking...

evil_one's picture

She may just "find it" (in a month on the morning of her next dr appoint to get her refill) in her school back pack!! After all, according to HER, "things" (typically belonging to others) just miraculously are found in her back pack and she has no idea how they got there... :? S

ddakan's picture

Uh yea, your girls wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole because it is probably infected with her zit contents. EW!!!! My girls wouldn't touch anything sd21 used....cuz she smells, she's gross, and she has an std.

I didn't purposely "hide" ss17s big collage of him and his gf either, I did however pack it in the back of DHs it MY fault it blew out into traffic on the way over to BMs house?

If it is REALLY lost, she can get an over the counter salicylic acid to dry up that stuff.

Have fun evil_one, I'm sure she's earned it!

evil_one's picture


You're right about that!! My bio kids wont use anything after My Hell.. In fact, they refuse to even share the same bathroom with her...

Whats up with stinky a$$ step kids? My Hell is smelly, greasy, and gross too!! She constantly reeks to high heaven of putrid BO...Has really greazy hair and skin...Furthermore, her lazy large ghetto booty only does her laundry if her dad makes her (once every two weeks or so), so she is always running around in dirty and wrinkly clothing...

She grosses me out to the point that I don't even like to be around her when we have to be out in public in the same place....Don't want any one thinking the stinky, greazy, large booty lumbering around is my child... :O

Willow2010's picture

Normally I would say how bad this is! BUT, BUT, BUT, after a full year of SS here, I think I am about to start the same crap with his nasty little ass.

Haribo's picture

lol I felt pretty pissed of til I read this now I can't stop laughing "thanks guys" its brilliant