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erin82's Blog

Brain Washing

erin82's picture

Okay, I feel completely helpless in this situation. My fiance has not been talking to his BM or sister. My fiance's ex takes my ss to the his mom's house to visit them without his permission. The three of them show up everywhere together. Plus the ss spends the night during the week at the grandmother's home which is a court violation, but we don't know how to stop it.

Any thoughts?

erin82's picture

I am new and this is my first blog. My stepson is six years old. We have a good relationship, actually, although right now he is suffering from the split loyalty feeling between his mother and me. His mother has chosen not to try and make a good relationship with each other for his sake. She has even legally forbidden me to speak to her about my stepson. In the three years I have been apart of his life, I have only spoken to his mother once. That's right, just once at a T-Ball game and we did not get into an argument or part on bad terms.