I am going to lose my mind!
So, this is my first time sharing and I truly hope that someone, anyone can help me before I lose my mind.
I have been married for 6 years now. I have 2 step children, a 12 year old boy and a 15 year old girl. My husband and I have 2 boys together, 3 and 6 years old. When my husband and I married, he paid a LOT of child support and had the children every other weekend. A little over 2 years ago, he ended up with full custody because of drug and neglect issues with the bio-mom. I didn't hestitate for a moment to commit to helping him raise them, bith because I am his partner and because no child deserves what they were going through. But somehow in the past 2 years my life has become a living nightmare. My step-son creates mininal issues in the household, mostly just normal kid stuff, being lazy, messy etc. I do just fine handling him, I treat him with respect yet am firm in my expectations. Although we do butt heads on occasion, we get through and the same issues don't re-occur. We learn as we go. My main cause of turmoil is my step-daughter and my husband. My step-daughter has this huge attitude and walks around like she is god's gift to the world. She lies, manipulates and does everything in her power to cause problems. I have tried everything and we have had many good times in the past 2 years. The bio-mom is allowed to provide for the children and see them at her convienience. She doesn't pay a dime ( he refuses to file for support because he "doesn't need her"). When there are money issues though, I am the one that is held accountable for it. Anyways, back to the step-daughter. I've tried many different things. I do my best to be a friend to her as well as a parent, while being very cautious not to make her think that I am trying to be her mother. She comnes to me for everything she wants, whether its to talk her dad into bending a rule or buying her something. Yet when she doesnt get her way, it is me she treats like crap, rolling her eyes, making snotty comments, and flat out just not lostening. She will, within a day, come to me and apologize, stating that I am the last person that deserves it, but in a week its the same stuff again. She wears my clothes, most of the time without asking and she has to be constantly reminded to do her chores. She talks bad about me to the in-laws saying that I do nothing for her and how she cant stand me. And in the same breath asks me to do things for her. I don't give her the satisfaction of knowing that she upsets me, I ground her when appropriate and always treat her with respect because even though I want to scream at her, I know that nobody deserves to be talked to that way. I even bought a notebook for her and I to communicate, in hopes that it would help, but she only writes in it when she is in trouble and wanting to try to fix it. My husband is supportive for the most part but he also enables her a lot. She doesnt dare disrespect him the way that she does me. She is also mean to the 2 youngest boys, if they ask her for something she will say "go ask your mom thats what she is here for". I told my husband today that I needed his help to financially cover the cost of counseling for me to help sort out all of these horrible feelings that I am having towards the whole situation. He told me that since I am the one having the problem, that I can figure out how to pay for it. I won't dare share the things that I think, as I know that they are wrong and just not right. I am not proud that I feel this way and I am afraid that I am just about to lose it. I don'tknow what to do. If I leave him, my children suffer because of it. There has to be a way that we can coexist so that its fair to everyone. I would never ask him to choose between his chidren and I, so that is not an option. We are both important. But I am afraid that I just can't live this way.
- endoftherope's blog
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Wow, turmoil in
Wow, turmoil in step-marriages just seems to be a common theme.
I'm not going to lie. I am and will probably remain emotionally detached from my FSD. I need the unconditional love that bio children seem to come with to handle all of the craziness that comes with (step) parenting.
Its just so hard when your
Its just so hard when your doing the best you can, giving your all and you get 20% back, if that. I am just so sad.
Hey there endoftherope. I
Hey there endoftherope. I just want to say welcome to the site. I have a SD who is 12. My husband and I have full custody of her. It sounds like we have a lot of the same problems. Most of the time SD12 and I get a long pretty well. But for some reason I am always the bad guy. Even when her dad was the one to tell her no she still thinks that some how it is my fault. I think that the reason I am the one she gets mad at so much is because I am home with her more. And then when daddy comes home chores are already done and homework it to. If I had a problem trying to get her to do things and then I tell him about it when he gets home all he does is say something to her like "SD12 you need to do your home work and chores with out aruginng." "ok daddy." and that is the end of it. It drives me nuts.
One thing that has helped lately is that I try to do more fun things with her instead of the busy "unfun" things that we have to do everyday. Hope that helps you.
Thanks! I do work from home,
Thanks! I do work from home, so maybe since I am here that is part of the problem. The problem that I have with doing the "fun" things is that she only wants to hang out with me if I am taking her somewhere or buying her something. I hear things such as "I will go to the grocery with you if you buy me____" or "I was going to go to my mom's and hang out but if you can take me and buy me a new pair of shoes, I won't go" etc. I also get the same thing from my husband after he returns home, "SD just do what you are supposed to" and he gets an "okay daddy". UGH!
LOL. What I did recently was
LOL. What I did recently was we went somewhere about 2 hours away. That way we had the whole car ride to just talk. And a lot of good came out of us just talking. It was really nice. I didnt buy her anything the whole trip too...other than food of course. We just spent time together. I work part time and also go to school so I am always the one home. Maybe you dont remind her to do her homework or chorse and wait for your hunsband to get home to do that. I did that and it helped.
Always doing fun things with
Always doing fun things with her is setting her up for disappointment, life isn't all about fun things.
If I take my 3 and 6 year old
If I take my 3 and 6 year old somewhere and I do not take the step-children, DH claims that I am evil and not making an effort to make everyone happy. I also am given a hard time if I buy items for my children such as clothing or shoes, if I don't get SD and SS some as well. Even though BM doesn't pay a dime because DH feels that "he doesnt need her for anything". Today I asked for counseling to help me deal with these feelings that I have and DH told me that since I am the one with the problem, that I should pay for the counseling.Nice.
dh is not hearing you You
dh is not hearing you
You are not the only one with the problem, the problem also involves sd and dh. This sounds like something my fdh would say --tell you what my response would be, is to make it his problem, not mine. Ignore sd's comments, don't react to her drama, tell her to take any issue she has up with dh, not you.
(No subject)
I really think that I will
I really think that I will try that. Thank you!
Took the words right out of
Took the words right out of my mouth. If they cant be nice to you or at least respect you need to walk away from it and let her father handle it. Its going to be hard at first but it really is so much better
Its working already! Today is
Its working already! Today is the last day of school and SD wanted to borrow my clothes. I said no. She asked if something or another was clean of hers and I politely told her to check with dad. She then came and asked me to do laundry for her (c'mon- she is almost 16!) and I told her no, ask your dad, I am no longer involved. Dh also seems frustrated and even commented that she asks so many stupid questions and asks for everyone else to do everything for her. I quicky replied with a blank stare and a casual "yeah" and buried myself back in my book. The weekend will soon be here and SD is for sure going to ask me to drive her around and give her money. I am actually looking forward to telling her no. and daddy has to work HA HA! I always felt mean by saying no, now I understand that children NEED to be told no sometimes.DH asked about SD grades and I had to remind him that it is HIS responsibility. And already I can feel the difference in my stress level, and my sanity! Thanks guys!