Elizabeth's Blog
What's he playing at?
DH does little to nothing for our two kids, and I'm firmly convinced it's because he knows I will do it. So he won't step up, not even to help, most times.
For example, BDs got lice from their daycare, who was the one treating and combing every day? Me. SD got lice as a kid, DH was the one treating and combing SD every day. Because he knew BM wouldn't do it. Wouldn't it be nice to get some of that support in your marriage that our DH's seemed to give the BMs?
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OT: When am I going to learn?
That when my husband calls to "talk to me" about something, he doesn't actually want my opinion, he just wants me to validate his?
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Update: SD22 didn't come on trip, and now her social media is locked down
SD22 did not join us for the trip to scatter my mother-in-law's ashes. Whew. Whatever DH said evidently got through to her because we even rented a seven-passenger van so the lack of space in our five-passenger vehicle was moot.
On a related note, SD22's Facebook and Twitter pages are now locked down tight. So I'm guessing she wanted to make sure she could say nasty things about me without me finding out (I've found out before). Oh well.
HELP! Please save me!
So I posted previously about DH mentioning SD22 wanting to come along when we scatter MIL's ashes.
Back story: SD22 and I do NOT get along, she has treated me like crap for years, refuses to acknowledge my existence or all I have done for her, badmouths me in front of our two BDs.
SD22 is the ONLY grandchild who did not come to MIL's funeral. No good reason, just didn't come. Has a car (paid for in part by DH and I), it was a 4.5 hour drive for her, grandkids from two states away (18-hour drive) made the trip.
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Oh, so sweet
So this has nothing to do with MY step situation, there is nothing sweet about it. But I just had to share.
Friend of mine posted on Facebook about her stepdad, who passed away 20 years ago. Evidently today is his birthday, and she was talking about how much of an impact he had on her as a child. It was so sweet. See, sometimes step-situations don't turn out so bad.
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Sigh. Does this EVER get any easier?
DH's mother passed away last year. Her wish was that her ashes be scattered at a specific place where DH and his brothers grew up.
DH agreed to take FIL to that place (two states away) and myself and our two BDs will be going along.
So DH and I were talking today about transportation (whether to rent a vehicle) and I asked again who was going. I anticipated one of DH's brothers to be coming along.
Imagine my surprise when DH said it would just be the five of us (DH, FIL, two BDs and myself) because "I don't think you and SD22 could get along in a car for that long."
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OT: I asked DH if he is bipolar!
I do 95% of the housework. I do 100% of the cooking. I do 95% of all dishes. I do 80% of all laundry (DH does only his own clothes, BD11 does towels and sheets). I do 95% of all childcare. I do 25% of all outdoor work. I do 20% of all pet care (DH is pretty good about that). I also work full time outside the home.
So last night I am making dinner. DH has a bad habit of disappearing into our bedroom, with the door shut, for hours at a time. So it is just BD8 and BD11 and myself.
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OT: Did you know Easter is a gift getting opportunity for adults?
So Easter comes, our kids get baskets from the "Easter bunny" (me). Nothing major, just some candy and mints.
DH flat out asks me, "What did you get me for Easter? Nothing?"
DH got me a tiny stuffed animal ($3) and a bag of candy I like.
I didn't get DH candy because he keeps complaining about his weight (he's easily 60 pounds overweight) AND I discovered a candy bar stash in his underwear drawer. He needs no more candy, and he agreed with me.
DH throws SD22 up in my face this weekend
I am a hands-on parent. I am not a "stick your head in the sand and pretend it's not happening because you don't know about it" parent.
So I got suspicious of BD11 who has had her cell phone glued to her side, even having it in bed with her. I feel free to check any electronics paid for by me, so I took it and began going through it. What I found concerned me, not to mention BD11 following me through the house trying to see what I was seeing.
So I go into my bathroom where DH is, BD11 follows me and is justifying/arguing.
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And now on the topic of spoiling kids...
We all know people who spend outrageous amounts of money on their kids.
For example, an old school friend of mine says his daugher will only wear clothes from Lululemon. I looked, the damn pants alone are like $90! And he takes her pretty regularly. Last time he was "bragging" she was spending her allowance. How much allowance does she get/earn at 11?! Another friend of my daughter's gets $40 a week allowance! And a third friend will ONLY wear Miss Me jeans, she has MANY pairs.
So, two questions:
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