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It's just a gut reaction, I can't help it

Elizabeth's picture

So last night DH and I were cuddled up in bed talking, something we don't do much because we go to bed at different times and haven't been getting along all that great lately. So what does he do but almost immediately bring up SD20 and his plan to travel to her college for family day or parent day or some such thing. So I tell him he'll be traveling alone and he gets all pissy. Oldest BD is a cheerleader and when we signed her up one of the agreements we made was that she wouldn't miss any games. We even had a family trip out of town planned this weekend we had to cancel so she could cheer. Youngest BD starts soccer, and her games are on Saturday. She has been asking to play soccer for two years, I think there are only eight games in the season, so it's short but something she really wants to do.

Plus, DH was talking about an overnight stay (it's a five-hour drive) but failed to realize he is only off Saturday, not Sunday. So it would be five hours up, maybe five hours max actually spent "with" SD20, and then five hours back. Why would a couple of kids want to do that crammed in a small car with their dad?

Anyway, the gut reaction was that once he brought up SD20, all my libido went right out the window. After that I just rolled over and went to sleep. Thanks for killing the mood DH!


PeanutandSons's picture

I feel that way too.....any loving feelings I have go right out the window when he brings the skids up.

elvis1's picture

agreed. any discussion of the skids makes my skin crawl and I definitely don't want anything to do with him after that.

Elizabeth's picture

Ha! So not because I know it's all a facade, a smoke and mirrors game to show me he's trying to parent with one hand while still forking over money to SD20 with the other hand.