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drew's Blog

Therapist Cancelled

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I woke to a text that the therapist cancelled due to dire personal issues. FUCK!!

Wife and I were supposed to meet her this morning. I hope the therapist situation is OK but fuck me. So, I tell the wife of the situation via text. Meanwhile my mind is racing as to how to move forward. 15 mins later Wife texts me back saying how I hadn't offered up meeting her regardless and how much I must think of her not to do so. I reminded her that it was only 15mins ago and I'm trying to get my head straight - I had so much riding on meeting with the therapist.

No emails, but plenty of texts.

drew's picture

I can hear the replies from folks now. I almost feel as though I shouldn't post. Just looking to vent though.

When I left the house, I remember hearing her say she wouldn't go to couples counseling. I remember her asking me more than once why I was still at the house, what was I doing there. That there is no US.

Now she insists I abandoned my family. The family I took care for 7 + years. My son and his stepsister who I cared for nearly every single day since they entered my life.

I'm not in the house anymore

drew's picture

After weeks of sleeping in separate beds and passing each other by quietly in the house, I left the day after we had a big talk. I reached out to my wife the next day in an email informing her I still love her and that I only left to give us some space for the kids sake. That I would continue to bring the kids to their appointments and to school. Her response was stark - I don't want to fight over email. Not knowing what to do with that response I gave her some more space.

Facing Divorce

drew's picture

At a possible tipping point in my marriage at this moment.

Have written and deleted many times in this field before clicking the save button. I can't seem to find the words to express this situation.

When I do the laundry

drew's picture

As a stay-at-home Dad I do all the regular household chores plus other manual and mechanical upkeeps of the house. That said, I was doing laundry today and once again found a feminine pad of my step daughters.

This is not the first time, nor the second or third. I've addressed it to my SD politely. I've spoken to her mother politely. Everyone is clear that it makes me uncomfortable. As the person who most often does laundry I've found a lot of dirty underpants with various things in it as you can imagine. That's fine. I get it. That's why they're in the laundry.