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Sd was supposed to sleep over MIL's.

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

It's almost 10pm and MIL asked to have SD today (planned in advanced) and asked if she could sleep over.

It's nlw 10 pm and she's askinf DH to pick her up. Wtf? dH won't get home from work till 11. He's been working all day. MIL doesn't talk to me because I told her of (and I don't mind that she doesn't).
But seriously? You live 2 miles away and you know I'm home. Why cant she drop her off? And really?! ITS 10PM!!

why is SD even awake?!

Holy fuck.


DoubleUteeEFF's picture

I wanted to say that but DH already said he would pick her up. Then called me.
Then I told him that she needs to drop her off.
I didn't even want to get into an argument about how she should stay.

And technically. She's our responsibility. So I can't make her keep sd.

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

Huh? No. I have sd alone all the time. She just doesn't want to see me. She's the passive aggressive type.
Sd apparently decided (at 10pm!) that she wanted to come home and not spend the night.

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

Lol. Usually sd is always asking to go there.
She must've gotten bored or idk. I asked sd why she wanted to come home and she said she wanted to see DH.

I was just like "ok".

If she wants to see her dad. Then...I won't stop her. It's late and I'm grumpy. But he doesn't see her enough so I'm not going to express my frustrations to them over one weekend. (When we have her long stretches it's a different story) lol