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DH loves his dauhter a little too much?

dontlikesd's picture

DH going to family wedding..did not invite our kids but sure is taking SD19! He says that kids are not allowed. When I told him I will go and so will the kids he said OK, but then SD said she wouldn't go if we went..He then said he would have to go with just her so it would make her happy! Really???? This tells me she is in love with her dad and wants him all to herself!!! I guess our kids don't mean as much as her..That's how it has always been. He does everything to accomidate her...It will never end!!!!!


Delilah's picture

My response if my DH DARED say that to me?

"Sd insists you "choose" who to attend this event with, as she refuses to attend as a whole family. Including me and her siblings. There is something wrong with that and yet you are nuturing this, neither of you want us to be a "family" with ME by your side as your wife. So you sure you have made your choice then? As I REFUSE to feed this dysfunction and if you can't see that then our marriage is not worth anything, and tbh I don't see the point of you even being with me if you don't treat me as your wife and prioritise me when your kid is playing a game. The more you pull stunts like this, the more doubts I have about being with you or even wanting you. So go with your mini wife, but don't bother returning to me as I am not interested."

Sometimes YOU have to be the one to draw the line in the sand and and refuse to be treated with such distain.

Freedom2005's picture

It might not get better.

What is your relationship like with her? Would she have a reason she does not want you and the kids to go? I know you are upset, but what are their reasonings? I understand the old "it makes her happy" my EX used that on me. But why does she not want you to go?

oncechoosetosmile's picture

outrageous if you ask me and totally unacceptable.He should have told her to get over it or to get lost.How does she even dare to ask for that???What about your happiness?It counts obviously far less than SDs.So you should ask him why he puts his very own wife behind his grown up daughter.Not good.

Anon2009's picture

I just read your bio. Aren't you divorced from this guy? It might not be a good idea to get back with him...

Disneyfan's picture

Why is this a problem? You're divorced.

It's a family wedding. You're no longer a part of his family and kids aren't invited. I would expect him and SD to both take a date.

Why would he attend a family wedding with his ex wife? Going as family would be a huge no no. That would just give the kids hope that you may get back together.

dontlikesd's picture

He's my ex...we are trying to work things out..can't with his daughter always interfering. I didn't care if I went to the wedding but the kids wanted to go..his daughter is manipulating to the point if he doesn't go out with her to eat then she says she wont eat either! And he falls for it..if he's over here she is constantly calling wanting to know what he's doing and when he will be home. Or she will come over and hound him until he and her have never had a good relationship. She has always been wedge between us. I don't think its normal for a 19 ye old girl to hang around her dad as much as she does? She is pregnant and supposedly with the father but he doesn't even live around here. I can't even work on a relationship with him because he is to busy running to her whenever she says run...this is why I divorced him and no matter how much he says things wont be the same...I see they are Sad

dontlikesd's picture day last week he was over here doing some yard work..she called yelling at him because she wanted him to do something for her..when he said no she drove over here took his keys and left..he had to call her to have her bring back the keys..when she did, he was calling him names and threw his keys on the street. He picked them up and that was it...the whole time she was yelling at him he kept apologizing to her! She has always acted like this and that's why we don't get along..she is disrespectful to him and he allows it. Not from our kids...just her...never can understand why..

giveitago's picture

That girl needs help! I read that you are trying to reconcile with him, that the girl was the reason for the break up and that she is very domineering. Tantrums like that really should have been nipped in teh bud by her parents. I think I'd be taking her aside and letting her know, telling it like it is, to grow up and behave herself. What about when this baby comes along? Who is going to take care of it? Does her dad work? I'd be discussing these issues with him and asking him how he plans on fitting everything in and what is he thinks you can reconcile if she keeps demanding his time. He really needs to tell her something like 'you are a young woman now and there are things you need to take responsibility for on your own.'