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At the end

Dogmom23's picture

So I am ready to leave DH. Here's the issue...he is unemployed and has no other place to live. He is not unemployed through a mutual agreement. I have begged him to get a job. So now it looks like BM may be getting evicted...again and he will get full custody. He has no money and no place to take her. We have been married 3 years. Am I responsible for them?


Harry's picture

What are you getting out of this relationship?   Taking care of DH and SK.   
At one time your DH was adult enough to to make a child.  Now he does not want to take care of his kid and you as in working and making a living.  
The faster you cut your losses, the better you will be .  His kid, his problem.   Guest your DH will have to get a job when you leave ?   Between him  and BM. They both are made for each other 

BethAnne's picture

You may be responsible for some spousal alimony payments. Talk to a lawyer, to find out. You are not responsbile for looking after or providing financially for his kids. If you are kicking them out of your home, they may have some sort of tenant rights. Again, talk to a lawyer. 

tog redux's picture

3 years is not long enough for her to owe alimony. And if he's unemployed without her agreement, he'd never get it. 

OP, you are not responsible for him and his brood whatsoever.  Ask him to move out, give him 30 days, and you've satisfied tenant laws. 

Of course you will feel bad because you are a good person - but he's brought this on himself. 

halo1998's picture

did you sleep with it and create a child...NO.  Did you adopt a child or 2  (in your case your DH is the other child)...NO..


I might be a bit more understanding if someone lost their job and were working dilligently to find a new one.  If not...the nope..NO F'CKS GIVEN.

Dogmom23's picture

Last night we talked. He said he would stay with his parents if he got an emergency custody order and then his dad would rent him an apartment. I don't know if I believe him because the story changes but I made it very clear that his daughter is not welcome to live here considering he has no job and she is a nasty spiteful child to me and my daughter. His plan is to take her to his parents and they will figure out the next steps. I want a lawyer to write this up.