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HCMB Pregnancy Announcement

Dogmom1321's picture

SD13 told DH a while ago that BM was pregnant. BM made her "announcement" on FB and SD said it was a boy due around May/June I think. 

This will be BMs THIRD baby daddy (not married either). She has a 19 y/o son. SD13 (with DH). And now a baby boy on the way with a different Dad. 

BM has claimed in the past that she want to move back to her home state. And do more travel nursing to "see the world." Well guess that won't be happening anytime soon. Bady Daddy also has his own kid he shares custody of. 

What a cluster! SD13 will now have 3- half siblings and 1 "step" sister (6 y/o). 

DHs current arrangement with BM is she gets SD13 Friday afternoon until Monday mornings. I'm guessing once the baby gets here, she won't be able to follow their parenting schedule anymore. I can forsee SD13 spending time with BM over the summer, but when Fall 2024 rolls back around, I suspect SD13 will be spending majority of the time at our house. 

Who knows though! I would be absolutely shocked if BM stayed with her baby daddy for 18 years. I'm sure it will just be another kid she shares custody of. What a shame.

Any bets on how long the "honeymoon" of a new baby lasts before BM flips her sh!t again?

Predictions welcome!


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Gads. BioHo has 5 children with 4 baby daddies. She was hoping to make Mr Pinhead baby daddy #6, but her baby maker crapped out. Thankfully!

floralsm's picture

Wowee. Another income of CS to support her too when the honeymoon is over with this new baby dad. Dear me she will find a way to play victim too as all HCBM's blame everybody else for their actions instead of themselves. Eek goodluck. HCBM here is way too selfish to fall pregnant again. She told the skids 'I don't want to ruin my body after working oh so hard to get it back'. Ugh. 

Rags's picture

We lived our version of this in our blended family adventure.

My SS's Spermidiot has 4 all out of wedlock spawn by 3 different baby mammas.  Two of the moms were underage. My SS is the eldest. 

My DW had full physical and legal  custody from SS's birth.  He was not raised with the other three. He did see them on SpermLand visitation... if the SpermClan actually took their visitation.


The new baby will not be the last.

SD will waffle between being in love with her baby brother, and incensed by BM ignoring her.

There will be a significant decrease in communication with BM.

The last 5yrs under the CO will not be predominantly positive for either you and DH, and SD.Nothing too specific. Just a general amplification of the usual BM driven crap.



Dogmom1321's picture

Yes, unfortunately I feel the same for these last few years. I think whatever goes wrong (which it will) in BMs life, it will be taken out on us. 

Forgot to add... BM is 37 and baby daddy is 27. They always say how you get them is how you lose them, right? BM got with the baby daddy while he was still married and had his first baby. My guesses are he will do the same with this one. 

Lillywy00's picture

If any of them have any money she's probably just trying to secure the 18yr bag from multiple dudes. It's more lucrative to pin multiple dudes than the same dude 3+ times. 

My daughters father is a breeder who has 4 kids (maybe more) with 3 different women (one of those is an "oops" baby he had with his mistress while he was married) 

On a good note the more kids they get bogged down with the harder it is for them to hassle you about trivial sh*t

some people are just good at f*cking and procreation... and that's it. 

Rags's picture

Breeding for dollars.  Sadly it is a thing. Even worse, many of these breeder parents treat kids as possessions and transactions and neither side actually parents worth a crap.

I am not sure what the Spermidiot's 2nd and 3rd out of wedlock breeding baby mamas got in CS.  Probably not much.

SS starting at 1yo, only received $110/mo for a year, then $133/mo for 9yrs.  Mainly because my DW would not go for his throat until I pushed it. For year 10 & 11 of the CO CS was $785/mo due to the Spermidiot's repeated refusal of summons and then physically running from the Constable attempting to serve him.  The last 6yrs it dropped to $385.

Not that it mattered to that POS. His mommy, SpermGrandHag, paid all of his CS for all of his spawn, let the POS live in a rental property rent free, and raised his youngest three in her home with no financial help from the POS.  SS is the only kid raised by an actual parent.  BM #2 and BM#3 collected CS and agreed to have their spawn raised by the Hag as long as the money kept rolling in.  The Hag missed a couple of CS payments and BM#2 and BM#3 collecgted their kids pronto until the Hag caught the money up. SS came home from a SpermLand visitaiton with that story once.


Hag paid, not because the POS could not pay it, he is a licensed plumber, but because the Hag is a control freak of monumental proportions and her POS statutory rapist breeder of a son remained willfully underemployed to avoid having to pay a ton of CS.  That DW escaped with SS and kept beating the snot out of SpermGrandHag with a rolled up copy of the CO drove the Hag even more batshit crazy.

At first SpermGrandHag was a problem for my then future DW.  She was a single teen mom college student.  The hag sued for custody (in her POS son's name) without notifying her idiot son.  She forged the POS's signature (DW caught it and called it out to the Hag's lawyer who quit on the spot).  I wish DW had notified the police.  

The Hag got another bottom feeder lawyer and was doing everything possible to bankrupt DW to get her to relinquish custody of SS.  Nope. DW took out supplemental school loans and got her own attorney.  The Hag manipulated for nearly a year canceling hearings at the last minute after DW had flown back to SpermLand for court.  Dribbling in the pittance of CS ($110/mo) in pennies, nickels, dimes, and fractions each week rather than making it in one payment.  DW engaged the CSE office. CSE required payments to them go straight to the CSE office and the CSE office would them pay DW.  That ended the nicle and dime crap.

DW and I married a few days before the ever delayed custody hearing which the Hag dropped the custody element of at the last minute.  That permanenty put the financial big stick in DW's court and the Hag could no longer financially intimidate DW.  Eventually DW finished her dual major undergrad, an MBA and has had a great career as a CPA.   The Hag never was a match for my DW. My DW chewed her and her idiot POS statutory rapist breeder son up and spit them out over, and over again during the 16+ years of the CO.

The night before the hearing the Hag's idiot lawyer called to make Hag's offer in lieu of custody. Joint custody. Nope,DW offered 9wks of visitation, Another offer of 50/50 visitation. Nope. 9Wks.  Then 26wks of visitation. Nope. 9wks.  Then 15wks. Nope.  9wks.  The 9wks repeatedly offered by DW was denied by the Hag, who was not even a party to the case.

So, we went to court.

After an all day shredding of the Spermidiot , DW's full physical and legal custody of SS was upheld, CS was raised from $110 to $133/mo and 7wks of visitation was awarded.  They on many occassions declined any visitation for a year or more.

As we walked out of court the SpermClan's idiot lawyer told DW that his client accepted the 9wks she had offered.

DW laughed in their faces and said... "You heard the Judge. 7wks. Buh-bye."

I completely support NCPs paying CS. Kids should have the support of both of their parents.  However, the CP has a duty to care for and raise the kids to a level of quality.  Unfortunately far too many NCPs are dead beats. Far too many CPs are in it for the money.  And far too many CODs lost the parent lottery on at least one side.

If I were an NCP, I would be all over my X to deliver on what I paid them to deliver.  If they are reasonable, I would be reasonable. If they were not reasonable, it would be game on.

The CS was never significant for us. We wanted SS to have that demonstration that his SpermClan was participating in his support.  If they had been decent people. They would likely never have had to pay more than the $133/mo. Their toxic crap did not set right with me and I pushed for CS reviews, etc...

But... I digress.

Scratch one-s head



Exjuliemccoy's picture

...and that baby may mean more free benies from the state like housing medical, dental, food stamps etc.

That's where my mind goes any time I hear about a woman who has kids spread that far apart.

Harry's picture

BM wanting SD 13 To help with the baby.  Wanting her home more. Or wants to play with boytoy BD. Sendinf SD to you more 

Dogmom1321's picture

Also a possibility too! BM has a history of pawning off her kids, so it wouldn't shock me if she guilted SD13 into having major responsibilities with the baby. 

Thumper's picture

If she is a traveling nurse, as in RN, she would be making some big money. 

Yikes your bm is 37 and dude is 27.  Wonder how he feels about this. 



Dogmom1321's picture

Who knows! 

My guess is BM went after a man much younger so she can manipulate and control easier. She's 100% a narcissist. As he gets older, I wonder if he will open his eyes to the messed up situation and her REAL character. But also it sounds like they were made for each other with their lack of consciousness. 

grannyd's picture

Who in this God's green earth would cast their lot with an a$$hole that had abandoned his wife and newborn to take up with a much older woman? He may be young and chockfull of carnal energy, but character-wise, he's as shallow as a slimy puddle. They deserve each other!

What an abysmal example the woman is setting for her teenaged daughter; one begins to understand why the girl lacks integrity. 

Dogmom1321's picture

Right!? BM is a narcissist and loves the drama she has with his own baby mama. My guess is BM is so focused on the present and loving the attention, she has completely forgotten the 18 year commitment... not just with the baby. But also co-parenting with a BD that left his family. She may be laughing now and getting a kick out of his baby momma's reaction. But my guess is she won't be the last one laughing with his track record. 

Does she really think he is going to be loyal and faithful when she is 47 and he is 37? No way!

Rags's picture

An epiphany.  We have this same thing on both sides of our marriage. At least indirectly.

The Spermidiot has 4 all out of wedlock kids by three differerent baby mamas.  My SS is his eldest and our only.

My XW, by last count, went on to 3 all out of wedlock spawn by two different baby daddies.  Her youngest and eldest are adultery babies conceived with a cheat buddy while married to someone else.  Her second has the same father as her first (the geriatric Fortune 500 executive sugar/baby daddy she was banging while married to me).  He married her after their #2 was squeezed out. She then went on to get knocked up by yet another cheat partner  while married to grandpa sugar/baby daddy.  They married after grandpa divorced her cheating ass.  That was the last update I got from mutual friends over 10 years ago. She could be onto several more spawn and beyond her 3rd marriage by now.
