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Dogmom1321's picture

It was SD12 birthday last weekend. DH let her pick a place where she wanted to eat. She chose Sushi. DH doesn't eat sushi, so he just doesn't know much about it. They picked out a fancier restaurant. DH asked SD12 what kind of sushi she likes. "The one without the fish or seafood." LOL seriously? I couldn't help but laugh. DH asked what was funny. I said that's literally what sushi is! Either raw or sometimes cooked (crab or shrimp.) Whatever, it was her birthday and it was what she picked. 

Two plain rolls of rice (with a cucumber on top), set DH back $70. He got a large plate of teriyaki and I got a salmon roll. Afterwards DH complained of how much it was. Didn't say anything this time... but maybe if she only likes the rice and dumping soy sauce on it... we could have picked out a place WAY cheaper. 

Too funny not to share, lol. 


CajunMom's picture

that's what's on the menu for SKs. Before I was completely disengaged, I got to witness DHs kids scrolling the menu (regardless of where we were) for the most expensive item. Then one of them had the nerve to tell me "she didn't eat left overs" when I told her to get a to-go plate for the massive food she did NOT eat. I laughed and said, you do at my house; many of my meals are made from leftovers. She just stared at me. LOL


Dogmom1321's picture

Ugh, yes! It's probably been at least a year (maybe more) since all of us have been out to eat together. Between COVID and SD being at BMs for her last few birthdays. Normally I would decline, but felt like I couldn't say no. Hopefully won't have to endure another restaurant outing anytime soon!

She also refuses to order herself. She relays to DH what she wants and then he tells the waiter. DH doesn't have her practice what to say, or how to order. She's not 5, she's a teen. Like seriously? I get second hand embarassment from him treating her like a 5 year old. 

Survivingstephell's picture

My rule was if you want to eat , you order.  Now this was when my bios were able to speak clearly, 4 or five.  My skids freaked out first time at McDonalds when we went.  They almost didn't eat.  LOL.  Why parents stop basic social skills from happening is beyond me.   Being greedy on someone else's dime is just rude.  Do that once and logical consequence next time would be a loud no, chose again.  This stuff does not just happen at 18 , it's a process that should happen for 18 years.  There's enough A- holes in the world.  

SeeYouNever's picture

Sushi is very much a status symbol for kids. 

We had a nearly identical experience with SD at about the same age. She ordered avocado rolls (right up there with cucumber rolls in the rankings of pointless sushi) and she dissected them to only eat the avocado, then complained she was still hungry and started trying to take the avocado out of our sushi.

DH was livid, it was a sight to see! He ate all her rice and seaweed peelings and then we basically had a round 2 meal where she ordered chicken teriyaki and we watched her eat. I was done at that point and just ordered another fruity cocktail.

DPW's picture

I go to sushi places all of the time and am vegetarian, including no seafood.  There's a lot of options at a sushi place for me compared to eating f'n pasta all of the time at a regular type restaurant. Meh.

I think this could have been a great lesson on any other day but it was her birthday. I'd let it go this time. She's 12. It's all about being cool to her.

advice.only2's picture

My DH never believed me but Spawn would pick the most expensive dish on the menu at any restaurant and then pick at it and get it to go, it would then rot in the fridge until I threw it out.    For her birthday one year we took her out to eat and she couldn’t decide between lobster and shrimp and I asked her when she had lobster before.  She avoided the question and just kept harping on not being able to choose.  Or course she went with lobster (market price at the time for a tiny tail was $54), I choose a simple grilled salmon and DH choose pasta, each of our dishes were well under 20.  Well wouldn’t you know Spawn is served her lobster and picks at it and when DH finally asks if she likes it she claims she’s never had it before, but wanted to try it, but the taste was gross.  

CLove's picture

I think she just figures its "free" access to try whatever. At home its just plain ol steak and shrimp and chicken.

CLove's picture

Yeah, well we always go to sushi without skid. SD23 likes it, but she is no longer my concern. SD16 likes plainer fare, something beef with chowmein or rice.

When we go out, its sashimi and then I get yellow tail or tuna roll. Recently weve gotten fresh and made it at home! It was divine.

SD is just ridiculous.

Cover1W's picture

OSD used to brag about how much she loooooooved sushi. But she wouldn't eat the actual sushi, fish and rice. Sashimi, no way. She was the pickiest eater I know....I think has a serious sensory disorder.

Only the cooked fish, like the shrimp, or the cooked egg was her favorite. Then she'd have to have a noodle dish. She wouldn't touch vegetable sushi.

However this made it cheap to go to a standard sushi place and DH learned quick that spending a ton of $$ wasn't worth it.

Rags's picture

A sushi poser.


My Skid is a sushi hound. As are his mom and I.  I do not eat rice so for me it is all sashimi.  We would occassionally take my SS nad his group of friends for sushi, never a cheap experience.  Teens eating sushi is a hit on the 401K.

Our sushi wizard would do amazing no rice rolls, etc... for me.  Sadly, Yama passed away while we were in the Middle East.  When I was back on a business trip I dropped by his place which was closed.  i Googled him, and saw that he had passed.

That was a sad day for this sushi hound.