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Being Used

Dogmom1321's picture

I am sick and tired of DH and myself being used by SD11. He gives her WAY too much power. 

SD11 was "grounded" at BMs last week and had her cell phone taken away. SD calls from BMs phone begging DH to pick her up because she "misses him." He falls for it and drops what he is doing to go pick up at BMs house. DH immediately gives her phone back and as soon as SD gets to our house, she disappears into her room. Not spending time with DH that she "misses so much".

DH took her school supply shopping the following day. New lunchbox, binders, folders, etc. Everything for school. I guess DH told SD that she could ALSO do some clothes shopping later in the week. SD keeps begging DH when can they go get clothes. 

DH volunteered me to take SD11 clothes shopping. For whatever reason, I forgot WHY I stopped doing those things for her, but QUICKLY remembered. Only after I agreed to it. It had been a couple of years, FYI. Everything was an arugement. "I want candy. I'm going to run as fast as I can in the parking lot. I want a candle. I'm going to ask Dad instead." Never again. I will remind DH of this next time he asks me to do anything with SD. Also, she already "forgot" the gift card and $50 birthday cash at BMs house. *eyeroll* I wish our family would stop gifting her cash. 

That same evening, SD11 asked when Open House was at school. We said next week. "So I have to stay here until then?" What a brat. I didn't say anything. Well apparently DH discussed it with her after. SD was awake before noon today! I heard her about 8:00. She yelled bye! and opened the front door. Hmmm, that's weird I thought. She immediately came back in and said she "forgot" something. I asked where she was going and she said BM is here picking me up... As she carries ARM FULLS of clothes and shoes out the door to BMs car.

DH is either dumb, or doesn't want to admit he's being used/manipulated. As soon as she receives her phone back and is done shoppinig, she is gone. If she isn't "gaining" anything from us, she is gone ASAP. I honestly don't expect to see much of her AT ALL when she is older. Or only when she is collecting gifts from DH. Nor do I even want to see her at this point anyway. Wish I could've kicked her OTW out. e


thinkthrice's picture

He is a classic gulty daddy!!!   Kids will only try and get away with what they are allowed to by the parent(s).

Let me guess:  "I don't want to spend my tiiiimmmmme with my kiiiiiiiiiiidddd(s) puuuuuuuuuuunnniiiiiiiiishiiiiiiiing them!"

Stepdrama2020's picture

Sickening flashbacks here.

My ex SD was exactly like that and the older she got the more entitled she became.

These DH's are as good as they give to these spoiled brats. So they deserve what they get from their creation.

Dogmom1321's picture

Part of me feels bad for DH SOMETIMES because of how SD is turning out... but now I'm starting to realize he dug his own grave.