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disgusted's Blog

Freakin Snot!!!!

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I just need to vent here in my little haven on line since snapping his snots neck isn't a legal option!! I am so sick of her manipulative game playing and freakin drama that I could just scream!! She makes me want to freakin puke!

The Ex is a "Holy Hot Dog"!!

disgusted's picture

Isn't exactly step related but I just had to share it!!

I talked to my ex MIL this evening. She informed me that my exhusband has been "dressing up like a Taco, Hot Dog, and Ice Cream for his church".

Now folks, let me just tell you all that I never thought I would want a picture of my ex husband. However, I would pay a small fortune for a picture of that!! What a jerk!!!

Disgusting Hygiene...

disgusted's picture

Just another thing that I have to vent about because I just don't get this at all...Step Brat (age 12) is all picky about her clothes and how her hair is styled...(IE..not liking the shoes purchased for the recital or the shirt that I pulled out of my closet to let her try on for said recital.) And she is real big into having accessories ect. However, what I don't get is that she is so concerned about her clothing and her hair "looking retarded". Yet, her hair is greasy as hell.

Retarded at the Recital

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StepBrats band recital is tomorrow night at her middle school (approximatley a 1 hour drive each way from our house). Now, Her and DH have known about this band recital for over two weeks. They have both also known that she must have a nice pair of black pants, black shoes, and a white shirt for said recital. Last weekend DH was going to take Step Brat to the PX (military department store about an hour away) to get her said clothing. Step Brat came down staires and said she had the pants and white shirt already so he just took her to get the black shoes...

Taking the Heat....

disgusted's picture

Everytime Step Brat screws up it seems that DH takes it out on me...He gets all snappy and rude with me...Yet, he won't talk to Step Brat like that no matter what she does!! Everything is sweet heart, honey, and baby doll...I told him that if he would speak to her and deal with her the way he does me..Maybe she wouldn't be the way she is!! I just don't get it!!

Maybe he isn't such a moron after all....

disgusted's picture

Could it be that he has gotten a clue??? Step brat likes to go into my daughters room and steal/break her things..She also always has her nasty little fingers all over other peoples belongings...I can't count the stuff belonging to everyone else she has broken...Today, she was messing around with a pen that belongs to me..Granted it's just a pen but it is mine and our son bought it for me for mothers day so it means alot to me..

He's a moron!!!

disgusted's picture

So, Step brat who is "grounded" until she makes up all her missing home work assignments is having it cart blanche again....Two days in a row DH took her along to the department store and then out to lunch with him and our son...Some grounding...

The Art of Disengaging...

disgusted's picture

There has been alot of talk of disengaging on the board and I think its a very valuable topic to discuss...I have gone back to disengaging since DH returned from a 15 month tour in IRAQ four weeks ago and then began to undermine me with Step brat...Yep, I kept her here with me for the duration of the 15 months tour only to have him begin stripping me of my authority and respect or critisizing the little things that he feels that I "didn't do right" with her while he was gone...I enjoy disengaging because it tends to "stick it" to DH in a matter that isn't negative...

Grounded to her room...

disgusted's picture

The step brats "punishment" for bringing home two F's and a D turned out as follows....DH "grounded" her to her room for the weekend with "no electronics"...I guess I should give him some kudo's because he stuck by her grounding to her room (heavy sarcasm intended)... She spent the entire weekend upstaires in her room all right..

Problem is that he "forgot" to remove the electronics from her room and he "forgot" to insure that she spent her time in her room completeing those missing homework assignments that resulted in her poor grades..

So here was her "punishment"....
