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disgusted's picture

So he is back from 15 months of deployment and already the coddle woddling of the "princess" has begun...I kept the ingrateful little snot for the 15 months he was gone and have totally raised her for the past 9 years...Yet, he comes home and wants to undermine me where she is concerned...I don't get it...Not at all...

She gets two F's and a D...He "grounds" her to her room and tells her she won't be going to the movie with him and the other kids..Then he turns around and goes gets Burger King for all of us and buys her a meal from there also!!???? He doesn't even consult me on it first he just sneaks it up to her room to her!! In my book "fast food" is a "treat" for the kids that they don't get often and certianly shouldn't receive when they have misbehaved!!! Get F's and D's and Daddy punishes you with a meal from Burger King!!! No wonder the brat is such a snotty nightmare, who thinks her dad is an idiot and has no respect for him or anyone!!!

I told him last night that I will not keep her during another deployment and I wash my hands of any parental responsibility for her..He says well her mom is a "drug addict" and lives in cars...Her mom abandoned her when she was little...Ummmmm...none of that is MY PROBLEM....


bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

Another infatuated father ruining a marriage, taking advantage of the woman he professes to love. Hmmm. How old is your SD?

happywmh's picture

From a former foster kid's perspective - SD should be thanking god every day that you stepped in to take care of her while her father was gone!
What a good person you are for taking this on, your H should be even more thankful.

disgusted's picture

The step brat is now 12...I have had the "pleasure" of raising her since she was 4...When we got together she was spoiled totally rotten by him, his parents, and his entire family...She made the rules, not the adults...She was a manipulative little thing back then but, as counselors told him back then..What you have at 4, you will have at 14 if you don't "deal" with her...He never listenend and everything I have tried to do to turn her around is undermined by him....He wants me to have all the responsibility of parenting her but none of the authority...And Mustang, you are totally correct...She has turned into a spoiled, manipulative, little brat who feels the world owes her something...If her mouth is moving she is lying, conniving, or manipulating...It's to the point that I actually hate her...It seems aweful to had a kid but she is the most conniving and malisious brat I have ever encountered...It's been a long 9 years and I just want my life, home, and sence of peace and comfort back...The truth is that if I never see her snotty little face ever again it will be too soon...

JustGreatAnotherDay's picture

I Know your frustration. I'm engaged to a wonderful man and he has three sons that two live with us 24/7 . Alan is 12 n Christian is 7. I have been raisng them for about two years staight n I'm fine with that. I love these boys like they are my own sons. Their mother is out if the pic pretty much except for the drama she gives us in our lives b/c she know how much my future husband make b/c he is a pipe/tube welder n works in construction so he works about 84 hours a week so
I have to hold down the house n sometimes it's just so damn stressful. And of course they gonna backtalk cause they're kids n we will never be their mothers. I mean I do this out of the love I have for those boys. I buy clothes for them all the time cause gah they won't stop growing. I'm their Taxi cab. I do it all. And it is stressful everyday. I didn't sign up for all of this now. I'm not your typical 22 year old.