My son is so sweet
I just talked to my oldest son and I can't believe I raised such a sweet, romantic young man. He and my DIL were married Dec 12, 5yrs ago. They had a small wedding and reception, the first song they danced to as a married couple was Nat King Cole's Unforgettable. He just told me that for their anniversary before she deployed he took her out to dinner and dancing. Anyway he had the DJ play the same song for her. I swear I almost cried. Why can't the rest of us find men like that??? :? I guess I did something right.
Way to go!
That is something to proud of! I pray that my son (10) turns out be as good of a husband as it sounds like you raised!
"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
You must be so proud.
If only they could all be like that. She better treat him as nice as he treats her.
Well done Ferretmom, I don't have any bio children yet but I sure hope he/she turns out as nice as your son has.
I have tried to raise good,
I have tried to raise good, decent young men. There were times that I would have gladly traded them both to a band of gypsies. I taught both of them how to cook, clean, do laundry, as well as simple sewing. I always thought it was better to teach your child to be self sufficient than to let them be lazy and know how to do nothing. When I told H what oldest had done his response was that my son is whipped and both of them are pussies. I told him that at least my kids give a crap about someone other than themselves unlike his brat. Maybe they aren't rich or famous but they are good human beings and I couldn't ask for more.